Dungeon Defenders 2 Hotfix 2/13

Dungeon Defenders II

Dungeon Defenders II is a cooperative Action Tower Defense game packed with roleplaying elements like loot, leveling, and pets.

[h1]New Cosmetics[/h1] [list] [*] Added anime Gunwitch [*] Added anime Huntress [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Potential fix for profile loading times [*] Fixed an issue where abilities wouldn't properly update mana cost on the icon [*] Fixed an issue where weekly quest weren't showing up on the summary UI [*] Fixed some issues regarding chest drops (reverts back to previous behavior, but more reliable than before) [/list] [h3]Social Defenders[/h3] To stay up-to-date on the latest news from Chromatic Games and the Dungeon Defenders franchise, follow us on all our social channels: Discord Twitter Facebook Instagram TikTok YouTube Twitch Forums For Etheria! Chromatic Games