Discord server, next game, and more!

Our way down

You are suddenly spirited away to a dark plateau. Here, alone, you'd probably die. But, someone else is here sharing in your peril. Perhaps together, you can find a way out.

Announcement time! I got one thing happening RIGHT NOW and two things coming later down the line! [u][b]STUFF THAT'S HERE NOW:[/b][/u] 1. Discord server! [b]Discord server link:[/b] https://discord.gg/qTfyt5gAWT This is the quickest place to get the latest news on my games and current projects. NOTE: Ok, I just found out how to make a permanent Discord link. This one shouldn't expire~. [u][b]STUFF COMING DOWN THE LINE:[/b][/u] 1. Game demo is in the works and will be coming in roughly 1 month. Stay tuned on my Discord and other social media for news! New title demo progress: -Writing: 100% -"Programming": 95% (All the hard mechanics are just about done and ready to go.) -Actually "BUILDING" the demo: 15% (This part isn't hard, it's just tedious. This is just "building" the rooms and encounters within RPGMaker. Not hard, just takes time.) -Visual assets: 75% (Almost there but, there's still work to be done.) 2. I plan to Kickstart this new game shortly after this demo releases. A LOT of work still needs to be done before the kickstarter can commence. But, I'm getting there~, Thank you again to everyone who has expressed interest in and/or played any of my games~.