DevLog1: The characters of Neon Blood get a graphical upgrade!

Neon Blood

Viridis, year 2053. Growing inequality drives Bright City and Blind City further and further apart until idealistic detective Axel McCoin starts a revolution to change the world in this fast-paced cyberpunk adventure.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/5beb75ddc48538ee7e2bc74ede6aa6bee8bfbb6d.gif[/img] Hello everyone, welcome to the first Neon Blood Devlog, I'll be talking about the development and updates happening in my city, Viridis. I'm the great hacker Basilio Tastiera, so let's get started! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/191a9a83df864f96217f9a1690e23a31821d28a0.png[/img] As I don't know how far my signal can go, I'll explain briefly what this reality consists of: [url=]Neon Blood[/url] is a RPG mixed with graphic adventure, that combines Cyberpunk and Noir aesthetics to put the user in the skin of Axel McCoin, my teammate, and help him in his revolution against social inequalities. The division of the cities is only growing, promoted by the snooty corpo of Bright City, such as the loathsome Ruby Emerald, who make life miserable for us, the good people of Blind City. Many of you may have already seen an earlier version of the world, or even the appearance of my teammates, but the creator nexus has been constantly updating and improving us to the current point. This progress is given by a change in the team, in this case, the "condename= pixel_artist". While it's true that I like to look pixelated - I look like I'm going to the gym - I used to have a more cartoonish, childish style that didn't represent either the harshness of Blind City or the atmosphere of Viridis, or even my greatness! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/ccd078b77f8d22bf9ccd30c34f4d075586fb54c0.png[/img] From the creator nexus a new face joined, we are talking about [url=]Roi[/url], the new "pixel_artist", who has brought several improvements to the world. Since he joined, I notice my surroundings are much more fluid and organic, as if there were more frames that produce a much less mechanical movement. Also, since it's been around, I feel thinner and with better colour, as if a heavy contour line has been removed and my hues have been desaturated down to the normal range. Overall, I've lost cartoon factor, but I've gained seriousness factor, which being this tough in the city, makes me look better than ever. Look, here are some pictures I took before and after the patch: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/6c348805aecf080511859fd52aa6ce8d4b84562e.png[/img] Looks like he's finally walking properly and with a jacket to match. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/0f71fb75e242124ca5c6a7c82e1b6d072248afad.gif[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/39242b61b5c26b55b6521b24abc8ab9470086735.png[/img] Silver is now even scarier. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/4b6adb8bacd55409b6a679f9e0d69667f2f3ff83.gif[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/3ec5d7fd48bced5c0ca3d55a28f1231bd5d18d24.png[/img] Instead of one sword, two, and they have neons on top of that! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/e56fd9451c68e9214b3a21ca5df5b41083f39ace.gif[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/f9bfd6fa3f42adff086299df3af060cbdffa7344.png[/img] This girl is so uptight... I'll just say my jacket is cooler. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/5d9b3b1413b8647c6f01435f8c57adfbaf784db8.gif[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/e5c1556a932fa06b938e9cad4392d12934f31931.png[/img] This animation is only 1% of my real power. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/e2da5b94c6e1d12a9becae439326aff0cbaa40d8.gif[/img] Dear user, not only the inhabitants and everything about 2D art has changed, the whole world is changing! From the market, to Hunter Heaven, even Bright City... But we'd better leave that for another day, I feel like they're even changing the story with so much talk. See you in the next Devlog! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/816a2eb34bf78727d6c114ebbfeffb9f7772bb51.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43124317/86e225b4e94f5e2b7323b7c7cc421bb268877c2c.gif[/img]