Devlog March - Desolatium


DESOLATIUM is a first-person point & click Graphic Adventure based on Lovecraft Mythos. Live this horror story where you will have to visit mysterious locations, face lovecraftian creatures, find clues and combine objects to solve puzzles.

Greeting cultists! As every month, here is our devlog! A way to bring you closer to the development of Desolatium. March has been great! We have made great progress in the development and we will show you some [b]things to highlight[/b] from this past moth: [h2][b]360 PHOTOS[/b][/h2] Some of the scenes were missing, such as the secret [b]Theron Marks Society[/b] room. We still hadn’t found the perfect scenario for that location, but we finally did in [b]Toledo[/b], a small town close to Madrid, 4 hours away from our living city. [i]Fun fact: we finally got to meet Isabel, the only one in our team who works remotely in another city: The one in charge of the Art in Desolatium![/i] Here are some of the[b] behind the scenes[/b] pics! (You will love this scene in the game, specially when you see the transformation) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39156286/b3e16a679378361ecacf946eeb00bddd0f73e58f.png[/img] [h2][b]ART AND DESIGN[/b][/h2] We keep working on the [b]detail views[/b] of the things you will need to find: notes, objets, clues… Here’s one of them: a drawer with a note and an old book inside. [b]What will they be needed for?[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39156286/e8a1745fbd1992559eafc3bf07f434258307cfc5.gif[/img] We have also [b]colour-graded and edited [/b]more images, like this street: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39156286/cf63dd4d9306d81844ac4ed583277a250162536f.png[/img] And[b] added some elements[/b] to other images. We needed more chaos so we added some books and blood in this library: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39156286/f8b17a1f6bac9f24ac6c1ca17cdb608184bebe5a.png[/img] [h2][b]DEMO[/b][/h2] As we told you last month, we have been working on a [b]new update [/b]of the demo, these are some of the [b]changes [/b]you will be able to see: [list] [*] [b]Idd Yahh[/b] wasn’t ready when we released the demo, but she is now! So we have replaced her in the scene: [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39156286/42682f9d9db7bdcbe623b8d4d70559cb16a46e9c.png[/img] [list] [*] Here you will be able to control the [b]music and sound effects[/b], one of the things we have been asked for the most! [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39156286/a73a90c323cd41dc3d6fb8930cec9a416a01e177.png[/img] You will have to play to discover the rest of the improvements, but we will tell you more about it in our next post here in Steam, so stay tuned!! And that wraps it up! Make sure that you're up to date by following our socials for Desolatium related news! Check out our links here: [url=]Twitter[/url], [url=]Facebook[/url], [url=]Instagram[/url], [url=]Discord[/url] We would be so grateful if you would also [b]wishlist [/b]us on steam if you haven't already! [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39156286/a5fe97f91430248bc55eb7558942c4fd2d934886.png[/img][/url]