Dev Log – February


DESOLATIUM is a first-person point & click Graphic Adventure based on Lovecraft Mythos. Live this horror story where you will have to visit mysterious locations, face lovecraftian creatures, find clues and combine objects to solve puzzles.

Greetings Cultists! Here is our[b] monthly update[/b] to provide you with inside information on what has been happening in the [b]development of Desolatium.[/b] February has been short but intense! So many new cultists here from The Big Adventure Event and Steam Next Event, so we want to thank you for your interest in Desolatium and bring you closer to its development. After all of your feedback, we decided to[b] update the demo[/b] with things you suggested, so this month we continued with the development of next chapters, but also we’ve been fixing all the bugs and adding some features to the demo. [b]So here are the main things to highlight from February:[/b] [b]Design:[/b] - Designed the missing graphic material from chapter 6: pointers, hovers, and some objects. Chapter 6 is now ready! - Finished all the graphic material of the dialogues in chapter 7: texts, face images, titles... [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39156286/c37f26c0237b167a910be53fc7f396cdf767edb1.png[/img] - Created and designed more different posters for the beginning of each chapter. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39156286/62918d26c9ce020ca51aaeba59cdf16f70461cbb.jpg[/img] [b]3D Characters:[/b] - One of the things that took us the longest this month, was the character rendering: hours and hours to finally have the characters ready to implement them in the different scenes in the game. Here is our barman! From concept art to final 3D model. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39156286/59f845f3af95f835e5be9309e6649b403f04704a.png[/img] - We have retouched the animation of some characters in blender. - Created the video, the mask and then integrated it in the scene. [b]Puzzles:[/b] - Edited some widgets of the puzzles with buttons. - Created the detail view image from some puzzles. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39156286/07b0cfbff304e4d1a6d99d551997867e86c535ae.png[/img] [b]Sound:[/b] - Prepared and integrated sounds from chapter 6 and 7. [b]Demo bugs and features: [/b] - Fixed some transitions between screens - Added some sounds (such as steps or door sounds) and replaced others. - Better integrated notes on the scene - Fixed some sounds and voices: now you can adjuste the volumen! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39156286/8695b84132834b4ff41580730bbed5129fb6a59d.png[/img] And that wraps it up! Make sure that you're up to date by following our socials fore Desolatium related news! Check out our links here: [url=]Twitter[/url], [url=]Facebook[/url], [url=]Instagram[/url], [url=]Discord[/url] We would be so grateful if you would also [b]wishlist [/b]us on steam if you haven't already! [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39156286/7b0bd715d7881fd3a8d73f32a1683d89aff84242.png[/img][/url]