DESOLATIUM is a first-person point & click Graphic Adventure based on Lovecraft Mythos. Live this horror story where you will have to visit mysterious locations, face lovecraftian creatures, find clues and combine objects to solve puzzles.

Greeting cultists! We start the weekend with good news: [b]New Desolatium Demo patch is now live![/b] While we continue with the development of Desolatium, we have taken the time to make some improvements to the current demo: so update the game for the following [h2]Patch Notes [/h2] [list] [*] We have replaced one of the NPCs with the definitive one. [*] We have added the option to adjust the volume (music and voices), plus some new sounds. [*] Fixed some transitions [*] We have better integrated some notes in the scenes. [/list] You can check some of the improvements in our [url=]March devlog[/url] or by playing the demo (we recommend the second option ːsteammockingː). We want to [b]hear your feedback,[/b] so please use the Steam comments to leave your impressions and help us improve the final game. [b]Until then, we will keep working and praying to the Dark and Primeval Gods.[/b] [i]"But remember that dark world of fungoid gardens and windowless cities isn't really terrible. It is only to us that it would seem so. Probably this world seemed just as terrible to the beings when they first explored it in the primal age. You know they were here long before the fabulous epoch of Cthulhu was over, and remember all about sunken R'lyeh when it was above the waters” The Whisperer In Darkness, The Haunter Of The Dark – H. P. Lovecraft [/i]