Devlog - Combat

Shelter of Exiles

Shelter of Exiles is a strategic action MMORPG in hack&slash style with high risk = high reward mechanics in challenging modes. Developed for tryhards and players who demand more from gaming.

[b]Welcome back, Exiles![/b] Are you ready to dive into the dynamic combat of "Shelter of Exiles" and master the hexagonal battlegrounds that await? Ever wondered how strategic positioning can turn the tides of battle in real-time? [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44750555/9bcfc64507e2517fce217e37ef654d2086e873f8.png[/img] [b]What is the Combat System in Shelter of Exiles? [/b] The combat in "Shelter of Exiles" is an exhilarating blend of real-time action and strategic gameplay. Set on a hexagonal grid, each match cycle (level) unfolds on a vibrant battlefield populated with heroes, monsters, collectible power-ups, terrain effects, and obstacles. This isn't just a fight; it's a dance of war where every step counts. [b]How Does It Work? [/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44750555/39a37158194168af08dae32d37c303aa8d52e7f0.png[/img] As a player, you'll navigate this chess-like arena with clicks, commanding your character to move, attack, and cast spells on the fly. The hexagonal spaces not only define movement but also serve as strategic points to gain the upper hand. By clicking on the tiles or selecting abilities, your character springs into action, responding to your every command with precision. [b]How Will It Affect Gameplay?[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44750555/ddbd71de7d2577514592086f03d09ae92b190a0c.png[/img] The hex-based combat system elevates the gameplay by demanding a balance of quick reflexes and foresight. Whether you're flanking an enemy, dodging a fatal blow, or setting up a spell combo with environmental bonuses, your strategic prowess will be as crucial as your reaction speed. Closed arena battles with mission-specific objectives mean every fight is a unique puzzle to solve. [b]What New Opportunities Does This Create? [/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44750555/c465aff9b2c9f3a883303aafe763bb9d5e8eeba0.png[/img] This combat system opens up avenues for new tactics. Do you lure enemies into traps, or go head-on with spells blazing? Maybe you prefer to collect power-ups, bolstering your abilities for a devastating counter-attack. The game's design allows for varied play styles, from the hands-on brawler to the tactical spell-caster. [b]Tips and Tricks[/b] [list] [*] Study the arena before rushing into battle; understanding the layout is half the victory. [*] Keep an eye on terrain effects—they can be both a blessing and a curse. [*] Use auto-move and auto-attack features to manage the chaos and focus on high-impact decisions. [*] Synergy is key: Combine your abilities with environmental features to unleash their full potential. [/list] [b]Planned Improvements [/b] We're constantly refining the combat experience, with plans to introduce more varied terrain effects, new power-ups, and even greater enemy variety to keep you on your toes. [b]We Welcome Your Feedback! [/b] Your strategies, your victories, your challenges—share them all! We're building this world together, Exiles, and your voice helps us fine-tune the clashing of swords and the whisper of spells. What would you like to see in the future of "Shelter of Exiles" combat? Let us know on [url=]Discord[/url]. [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44750555/85229817a09ca9bff22343dc98e6e6b5e0bad509.png[/img][/url] Stay sharp, strategize, and may your exile be thrilling! [i]Yours "Pixel Trapps" team[/i]