Demo Playtest Update 1.12

Shelter of Exiles

Shelter of Exiles is a strategic action MMORPG in hack&slash style with high risk = high reward mechanics in challenging modes. Developed for tryhards and players who demand more from gaming.

[h3] Dear Exiles[/h3] [h2] We're excited to announce that the latest version of Shelter of Exiles 1.12 is now available on the Demo public build. [/h2] [h3]New content:[/h3] [list] [*] New resource: Treasures. [*] Earn it by completing Objectives and use it in Vendor to open treasures with rewards. [*] Game Account Bonus - Activate a time-based bonus to play. [*] YOU CAN HAVE A DOG NOW ːsteamhappyː [*] During the game, you may come across a rare event of encountering a golden mushroom man or shadow collector who have valuable loot with them. [*] Experimental offers in the vendor for premium currency. [*] Players can access their ID in the game settings. [/list] [h3] Balance changes:[/h3] [list] [*] Monster health scaling reduced by 2% per level. [*] Monster damage scaling increased by 1% per level. [*] Reduced the number of waves needed to win in most missions. [*] Objectives on World Map resets every 4 hours instead of 24 hours now. [/list] [h3]Bug fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Destroying terrain objects correctly triggers their effect. [*] A dryad should not give a reward when losing. [*] Grindzone should not cause the game to crash. [*] Objectives should not cause the game to crash. [*] Boss powers should be called correctly. [*] The game should not get stuck at the exit of the first mission. [*] Item stats should compare correctly. [*] Shade monsters should not lag the game. [*] The hero should not attack bombs on his own. [*] The Elusive should properly end at the end of the effect. [*] The Health on Kill and Energy on Kill stats should correctly add hp/energy. [*] Minor bug fixes. [/list] [h3]Known Issues:[/h3] In no particular order: [list] [*] Statistics in the Inventory menu scrolls very slowly with the use of the mouse scroll [/list][i](it is suggested to click left mouse button and drag the list for more comfortable use for now)[/i] [list] [*] Experience bar animation stopped to work for some reason [*] The claim button in Questlog is visible before the Questlog animation ends. [*] Skill tooltip shows raw formula description instead of calculated results [*] If the player clicks quickly on the hero his animation resets and doesn't perform any attacks [*] Frog status doesn't disappear while it should. [*] Bow animation cancels if we use a spell [*] Wrong place for the Player Character head on plane hierarchy. [*] Weapon particles show in the wrong rotation [*] After exiting the game with the use of Alt+F4 and coming back to play, player characters shows without equipment. It fixes once we enter inventory again. [*] Negative cooldown on some uses of skill during the play [*] A few typos in some spell descriptions [*] Skull icon is stretched and cut in the Summary screen [*] Beest enemy health bar is not appearing. [*] Mysterious weapon in Vendor has an icon that doesn't fit other icons [*] Hoovering on the tooltip in the moment of battle end causes it to freeze for scene change [*] Sometimes levels are loading with the wrong background [*] Damage prevention statuses don't protect from the poison [*] After defeat in the Grindzone music on menu does not change [*] Bushers randomly moonwalk sometimes [*] World map pins changing their state after each victory [*] There should be an overlay for monitors with a different ratio than 16:9 [*] Random entity position is not working as intended yet [*] Sometimes players can't buy items in Vendor after quest completion while having enough gold [*] Quick two tap of skill allows using skill twice before cooldown should allow it [*] Vendor interface covers the information of possessed gold during the trade [*] If the character moves during drain status damage dealing there is a bug with damage numbers animation [/list] [list] [*] Sometimes loot icon shows outside the map [*] some achievements may double [*] Territorial doesn't work [*] The player can attack an elusive target if one spawns near the Player Character [*] Whirlwind particle animation sometimes connects to other targets causing visual bugs of skill reach [*] Ally can sometimes attack the Player. Traitors! [*] Quick use of push/pull can make ignore an entity having Fear status. [*] In some cases, monster position changes at getting on get damage type [*] There are some issues with Defence Stance behaviour at Player changing position [*] [/list] Good Luck and Have Fun. For our Discord community, there are several patch-related contests available on our Server: [url=][/url] Fight for your place on the pre-season leaderboards of Shelter of Exiles and grab the rewards!