Devlog 6th March

Translunar Enterprises

Compete in this realtime 4x game in full multiplayer. Explore, Expand, Exploite and Exterminate in this sandbox universe where the players are in full control. Build on planets, Fight in space, Design components to better develop your research.

[h1]Hello Directors![/h1] [h2]Updates[/h2] After a break from devblogs I'm back with more energy and some nice updates for the Translunar! First off I'm going to change the devblog posting to once a month for more intressting and substansial updates plus it gives me more time to produce some good screenshots of Translunar to showcase the updates. [h2]Trading[/h2] In the previous months I have been working with the trading system, which is currently beeing tested. The overall idea is to make it as easy as possible but yet give the players the option to customize their traderoutes as well as possible. For now there are sliders saying how much you can load and unload on each stop, if one comoditiy is taking more space all other cargo will be capped so you can't possibly "Overload" one comodity and not know about it. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38527579/51d1f5604a98d53b1db3f95938824e8ee05485c8.png[/img] The cargo sliders amount will dependent on the largest cargo capacity of all this ships assigned to this route. When a smaller ship tries to load the same configuration it will instead try to keep a precise percentage reflection of routes comodities. In the future this will be avalible to be altered by the player how smaller cargo ships will fill themselves. But for the Early access build the percentedge configurations will be the only option. [h2]Radar zone[/h2] A more visual cool new thing is the fog of war for ships. Previously there was just an distance calculation done based on the radar range of the ships compoenents. Now there is a scan range and objects in the universe will block the radar. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38527579/4ba6104f42e815c1cf2bcc38b42b3b79be9143fa.gif[/img] As can be seen in the screenshot, players will now be able to hide behind planets/stations/asteroid belts etc to hide or lie in ambush on an unsuspecting prey. There are also a few different customization settings for this - Settings for choosing if you want to see the overlapping radar zones for individual ships or just see one whole combined radar zone. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38527579/5cffe5dea7fdf21967833a2b9c64d67d4efd3120.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38527579/befcc412fbf1dcbef55ba488772d51d8cc7a94b0.png[/img] You will also be able to set a transparency setting if you want to have the radar zone very dim or highlighted. Other than theese two major things my time have been used to deal with bugs to make everything run smoothly. And as always, join the discord [url=]HERE[/url].