Devlog #50 and Update 0.2.50a

Rogues of Europa

Rogues of Europa is a gothic roguelike RPG. Fight the physical and metaphysical evils brewing below the surface of a rapidly modernizing society.

The art update isn't heading to a dramatic finish, but I think it will be a promising one. I finished up a few music things and added them. I decided on the music burst option, which I added in a few key places, though I might add a percussion or muted running track underneath in the future. Following some mentorship I received, I will focus moving forward on improving the story elements, trying to create a small slice of the game as effective as possible. This will consist of going deeper with conversations, clues, and interactions in towns. The first things I will look at will be town generation. I've made it clear that part of the inspiration for [i]Rogues of Europa[/i] comes from "monster of the week" television shows, and I want to return to that to emulate. This will mean smaller, closer towns, designed to look more unique and having singular problems, rather than the virtually identical towns with four quest givers. The initial phases will be more limited tests, and they won't even be rogue-like. As the version develops, it will bloom back into procedural generation, and the towns will return to difference and randomness. I know this isn't really sticking to the plan I had, but I'm still new to this and I think this will be a better direction to take. But it should be close enough to keep things reasonably on track and in the right direction, and the gameplay will be back to advancing. I'd love to hear any feedback you, the players, have as to the new direction. Leave it in the comments, or email it to me at, along with any other questions or prayer requests you may have.