Devlog #44


Fish, farm, craft, gather, cook, loot or steal from other players and build a campsite or a village with your friends in an open-world multiplayer sandbox game without rules!

Good Friday to everyone! ๐Ÿ˜Š It's been so nice seeing many of you trying out the new update and coming back to the game. I hope you have enjoyed your time on the Longvinter island. If you haven't tried the new update yet, you can still play [b]this weekend[/b] and get an Easter bunny drop. The drops will stop on Monday, so this is your last chance! [b]What is coming moving forward[/b] The next major update ([b]1.14[/b]) will not focus on adding any new major features but rather on refining and fixing the current game to a much better state. We have prioritized adding new things over fixing existing issues because we didn't want to fix everything only for it to break again after the next update. However, we now feel that it's a good moment to pause for a second and thoroughly go through all aspects of the game to make changes that will improve it. But don't worry, we will be planning and creating new assets constantly to have a big update after 1.14! Update 1.14 will also have some new features that can be easily implemented but have a big impact. We will go over these in more detail in the [b]coming Friday Devlogs[/b]. The launch of the 1.13 update went [i]pretty smoothly[/i], but there have been quite a number of issues that were found. Here is a small recap of all the bug fixes we have done after the 1.13 update: [list] [*] Fixed the spring tackle box drop table missing some items [*] Fixed a bug where picking up a shop shelf made it a normal vending machine [*] Fixed a bug where PVE server players could not open storage boxes that had no house near them [*] Attempted to fix the violent rubber band movement of boats [*] Filemon outpost now gives the correct 5Mk for wood instead of 0 [*] New face cosmetic items now have correct icons for female variants [*] Added an image cache feature for Steam items that will make loading the Steam inventory in-game much faster [*] The Farming Compendium quest can now be completed again [*] Improved the character customization screen to not load everything at once to prevent crashing issues [*] Fixed a shop having a wrong item in the sale tab [*] Campfires in snow areas now give enough energy to heal over the snow energy drain [*] Upgrading the LRI station global inventory now takes the correct amount of Mk from the player [*] Fixed the Farming Compendium not being able to be completed [*] Adjusted fireweed rotation [*] Fixed a bug where shop vendors become normal vendors after server restart [*] Fixed a bug that caused Prestige upgrades to not work on the first upgrade [*] Fixed a bug that caused the container UI to remain open and unable to be closed [*] Resolved an issue where players were unable to exit the house after aiming, requiring a server restart to fix [*] Corrected a bug that prevented female faces from being properly selected on the character edit screen [*] Added a clarifying note to the scoreboard, indicating that scores will be added to the leaderboard upon logging off [*] Implemented a new script that synchronizes the stated team score with your leaderboard score (please note that you must log off for the score to be saved) [*] Fixed an issue where entering the mining rig could teleport the player back to the dock, and also fixed an issue where upgrading a house could teleport the player back to Sgt. Lake [*] Resolved a bug that caused ingots in the smelter to keep refilling after server restarts [*] Addressed an exploit where vendors incorrectly gave score for both buying and selling (now, only selling counts towards the score, and the item must cost at least 100 Mk to be eligible; stacks of cash no longer contribute to the score; players who have gained unusually high scores using this exploit will have their scores reset for this month) [*] Players who are not allowed in a home will now be teleported out to prevent tent abuse [*] Fixed a bug where the mining rig would stop working after it had filled once [*] Reduced the effectiveness of fishing spots in safe zones to encourage players to explore different spots outside of safe zones [*] Reduced the score gained from fishing by 66% to better balance it with other activities [*] Fixed the /kill timer, which should now work as intended [*] Fixed a bug that allowed players to duplicate signs [*] Fixed an issue where the Painting Station would not return items when the player moved away [*] Fixed an infinite coal bug with the smelter [*] Fixed a bug where the Team bubble would appear randomly [*] Fixed a bug where the Large Dinghy showed building blocked areas even when it could be placed in them [*] Improved the smoothness of the joining process [*] Added another fix to boat physics (attachment replication is still broken) [*] Added missing swimming sounds [*] Fixed a bug that allowed players to open the cooking interface while using the workbench [*] Increased the maximum price increase that players can set for vendors from 500% to 800% [*] Increased the prices for water canister, mystery bag, salt, black pepper, and tarp to better match their usefulness in the game [*] Added a new banning method [*] Fixed a bug that prevented players from inserting items into the global vault from player shops [*] Implemented a 30-second cooldown for placing tents at the start of the game to prevent abuse [*] Resolved an issue where the Market, Mining Rig, and Windmill would teleport players back to the dock upon entering (players should now be able to enter these structures correctly) [/list]