Development Journal X - Combat (Part II) and the Perks System

Erannorth Renaissance

Erannorth Renaissance combines deep character customization with a dynamic sandbox world. Your choices drive the narrative and strategic hex-based battles shape your fate. Explore, make meaningful decisions, and forge your unique legacy through alliances and rivalries.

Hi folks, Today, we'll talk about the newest additions to the character sheet, several new combat effects, and customization options through the perks system. [previewyoutube=3PgyavRbHzI;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]Combat (Part II)[/h2] Erannorth Renaissance combat is more streamlined and straightforward to learn than its predecessors (Chronicles and Reborn), offering greater tactical depth. You have better control of the battlefield, and you and your allies can work together to create exciting tactics and strategies for dealing with each situation. We discussed combat and the most common effects your actions will have in this post: Of course, we barely scratched the surface. Let's now have a look at some additional effects. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44786997/9532aff183e0bce17c92b397dd523e4d795677c5.png[/img] [list] [*] [b]Swap:[/b] Swap position with the target. [*] [b]Push:[/b] Pushes the target x hexes in a random direction. [*] [b]Pull:[/b] Pulls the target x hexes in a random direction. [*] [b]Cure:[/b] Cures Bleed and Poison stacks. [*] [b]Dispel [status]:[/b] Removes all the stack of [status] from the target. [*] [b]Revive:[/b] Removes the Dying status and restores HP to the target. [*] [b]Slow:[/b] Reduces the target's AP for the duration of the effect. [*] [b]Drain:[/b] Drains HP from the target. [*] [b]Opportunity:[/b] If the target is Stunned, Afraid, or Vulnerable, they receive damage, and the attacker restores 2 AP. [*] [b]Parley:[/b] If the target's HP is less or equal to a certain amount, they agree to leave combat, and you restore 2 HP. [*] [b]Morale:[/b] Morale boosts Luck and dispels Fear. (Luck affects several things, like your chance to dodge, land criticals, and stabilize if you are Dying.) [*] [b]Stealth:[/b] Makes a character immune to direct actions for the duration of the effect or until a successful Perception check reveals their location. [*] [b]Rage:[/b] Increases the target's physical damage and grants 2 bonus AP, but the enraged suffers 2 additional damage for the duration of the effect. [*] [b]Sacrifice:[/b] It is an additional cost for HP to play an action unless you are Bleeding. If you are, you can skip this cost. [*] [b]Bloodthirst:[/b] If your target is Bleeding, you drain HP and restore 2 AP. Then your target loses Bleeding. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44786997/3b84dfe846b1f0f0e8108204eaef054ef319f81e.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44786997/2f5b43183f70e2ad93277dcfda17402d564777af.png[/img] [h2]Perks System[/h2] Like all Erannorth games, perks are the backbone of customizing your characters. However, certain things have been streamlined to make things easier to understand and retain a better balance. In Erannorth Renaissance, you gain a Perk Point at every even level. You can then invest it to purchase a perk from those you meet the requirements. Requirements for perks can be skill ranks, being a particular species, having a specific trait, etc. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44786997/0514b13db63c43f538fd70c3c3d0a30797e34fd4.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44786997/1577d63013bc12b32871ab5896e953f7a1965252.png[/img] Perks can improve aspects of your character, actions, and party and give you unique actions you can't otherwise get elsewhere. They may provide you with bonuses to rolls or even offer bonuses to the rolls of your party members. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44786997/bbdc36183b8fb983036d6eea36607a1538ae4318.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44786997/0816733f877e652e577b56674ab811b4eda4ca50.png[/img] [h2] Resistances [/h2] In Erannorth Renaissance, equipment and perks can provide resistance to various effects and elements. For instance, you may have a trait that makes it harder for others to Stun you or wear boots that make it harder for adversaries to Push you. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44786997/3c1881c87ff8e1f61b6daca5f30b3594fbfc5646.png[/img] Etc. Conversely, you could have a perk that makes it easier to Dominate others or apply Bleeding and bypass any such resistance, making combat more dynamic and your decision of how to build your characters more meaningful. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44786997/66b2e59b88a9ba063ab86d181738b69f86e8e709.png[/img] [h2]What's next?[/h2] I'm still working on the Woodlands and the Generic event packs. These are sets of random events that you may encounter as you explore woodland tiles and tiles without specific event packs. Since the first area you'll be in primarily has woodland terrains, it makes sense for it to be the first event pack in the game. The generic event pack will provide interesting fallback events elsewhere. There will be more event packs for all the tile terrains you will explore as the game develops. Other than that, with the progression and combat system in place, the next step is fine-tuning things. For that, I'll need [b]a few people to participate in a closed-alpha testing of the game in June[/b]. If you are a native English speaker, that would be all the better, as any feedback on the story, rules, phrasing, etc., would be greatly appreciated. But anyone willing to spend some time with an early alpha and incomplete product is welcome. [list] [*] We'll start in June. [*] The experience will be even less polished than the upcoming Early Access. There will be more bugs, placeholder content, imbalanced perks, actions, enemies, etc. [*] There are only 10 to 15 spots available. Please apply only if you have the time and interest to play the game in its current incomplete state. [*] The goal is to provide feedback and bug reports to help improve the game before its Early Access release later this year. [*] You'll have to be a member of our Discord server and declare your interest there. If Steam removes my link, that is in the [i]Erannorth Renaissance / Inn[/i].  [/list] [b]Invite Link:[/b] [b]Renaissance Inn Channel:[/b] So, please let me know if you are interested in [b]actively[/b] participating in this closed-alpha test. [i]The Discord part is essential for me to be able to contact you with further details when the closed alpha time comes and, of course, for you to provide the feedback/bug reports and discuss the game and its status.[/i] [b]That's all folks! If you have any questions, please post them in the comments section below![/b]