Devblog #9

Area 86

Area 86 is a physics-based escape room puzzle game. Control your robot in an interactive environment. Push, pick, throw, activate or destroy objects to escape.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32196329/2a9d1bf663c9dc1c93718f2ff29a0820c4f5a596.png[/img] [strike]Yep - have set my goal to finish [b]AREA 86[/b] this year! [i][ earliest possible release at summer or latest at autumn ][/i][/strike] From planed [b]6[/b] levels in the [b]1st chapter[/b], only [b]3[/b] are completed and [b]4th[/b] is coming together. The functional part is completed, but the visual/audio part is way behind schedule. ( had planned to finish it till April, but will see how life goes ) Maybe it took [i]"a bit"[/i] more time because the [b]idea fairy[/b] did hit me with features that should be included? Check these features that did hit [b]4th[/b] level: [list] [*] basketball court with best ball physics ever made [*] parkour room where you control the parkour elements [*] stealth room with a possible getaway run [*] smooth camera switch between different rooms [*] explosive boxes which can be used in different combinations with the environment [*] the previous level saved robot ( if saved ) visits you and helps with the tasks [*] door slamming!!! [*] [i]. . . [ need to stop here ][/i] [/list] [img][/img] Summing it all up, it's one of my [b]favorite[/b] levels at this moment. ːsteamhappyː [i][ but there are 2 more levels incoming ][/i] What else did happen without the level building? Right - Finally added some [b]proper[/b] controller support! [i]( there was controller support before, but it was shitty )[/i] It was not an easy task and I'm proud that finally did it. To start playing with your controller - just plug it in and off you go! And if you ever feel the need to change some button actions - you have the power in the settings menu! Other than that, have planned to make a new [i](hopefully better) [/i] game trailer. [i]( as soon will finish this crazy 4th level )[/i] [b]P.S.[/b] Did you notice that [b]AREA 86[/b] has a new logo? I tried to improve it a bit with my limited skills and hope it's better than before! [img][/img] [i]How do you like the new logo?[/i] [img][/img]