The Shattering is a first-person, story-driven, psychological thriller. Its defining features are the dynamic environments, beautiful aesthetic and intriguing story. The gameplay is meant to submerge you in the mind of John, as you take each step forward into the twisted mystery of what happened.
Join our dev stream on twitch and [i]listen[/i] how did we build the mood in [b]The Shattering![/b] With the special guest:[b] Timothée Dorr[/b] who was the music designer of the game, we will explain how did we build the mood using sounds and why music is so important in video games! This stream is a great occasion to learn how the game development works from the side of sounds/music and ask us some questions!
The stream starts at [b]14:00 CEST on Sunday 30 of August 2020[/b]
After the stream there's gonna be a giveaway!