[Dev Note] Slash, Pierce, Strike!!


A tactical RPG where your survivors are fragile, and every step you take could be your last. Transport into a medieval apocalyptic infestation where you must use your wits and strategies to overcome the vile creatures that dwell there. How long can you stay alive?

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43792072/4359f13464d70583210fab7bf83bd02ec8ea598a.jpg[/img] Hello, Survivors! In last week's Dev Note, we introduced significant changes to the Stat System. To summarize the direction of the stat system overhaul, it's not about making the game "Easier," but rather about making the combat experience more streamlined. Remore is a Strategy Game that aims to provide the enjoyment of solving problems through thoughtful Strategies. However, the structural complexity of the previous stat system led to "Tedious Thinking," where players had to analyze each stat individually, rather than focusing on the fun part, the strategy. That's why we've improved it to be more intuitive. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43792072/c48d4476b5563cbe5fbe2ccdffe296e4130d7bf3.gif[/img] We also wanted to explore different approaches to the "Strategic Depth" that our game can offer. In Early Access so far, Stats, and the resulting character attack power and enemy health were the primary basis for strategic decisions. Additionally, players could make strategic choices by using the grid-based system to attack enemies from more advantageous positions. We wanted to introduce new strategic elements to Remore beyond these two aspects. Instead of making the existing stat system or grid strategy more complex, our goal was to add new and intuitive strategic elements that make the game more engaging. With this in mind, we would like to introduce the newly implemented concept of "Synergies." [h3]About Synergies[/h3] While there was a form of "Synergy" in the Early Access phase, it was relatively light and indirect. For example, when dealing with a Blister, rather than using a powerful attack at close range, it was more effective to pull or push the enemy from a distance to trigger the Blister's explosion. In the case of cultists, using abilities related to armor destruction was more efficient. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43792072/8006092a35c1905ac07469ed36737a72ac3f49e5.gif[/img] Having more effective attack methods depending on the enemy is a great way to encourage strategic thinking. However, this synergy system was limited to certain enemy units and required players to understand the enemy’s behavior patterns and functions to execute the appropriate attacks. This made it a little unintuitive. Our first attempt at creating a synergy system involved using the stat system. We prepared enemy types that were more vulnerable to strength-based attacks and others that were more susceptible to skill-based attacks. This allowed players to identify the enemy type and use the correct attack method to defeat them more effectively. However, as mentioned in a previous developer note, this approach had the downside of forcing players to use characters with specific stat strengths, thereby limiting strategic choices. This led us to rethink how to create a better and more intuitive synergy system. In the previous synergy system, the structure was mainly "Penalty-based." For example, enemies with high defense required surrounded attacks or strength-based attacks to deal decent damage, and enemies with high evasion rates required skills with guaranteed hit effects or dexterity-based attacks to land a hit. However, this approach could frustrate players if they couldn't use the "Correct Skills." So, as we reworked the synergy system, our [u]goal was to enable players to make active and strategic choices aimed at "gaining bonuses" rather than "overcoming penalties."[/u] To achieve this, we decided to assign a new "attribute" to every skill and give each enemy unit strengths and weaknesses related to these attributes. This approach reduces frustration and more strongly encourages strategic decision making. [h3]Slash, Pierce, Strike![/h3] When combining medieval melee weapons with a creature apocalypse, we carefully considered which attributes would best suit this theme. We wanted to maximize the "blood and gore" imagery that melee weapons evoke, while also ensuring that these attributes could be applied to all the weapons and skills in our game. As a result, we assigned three attack attributes to every skill: [b]Slashing, Piercing, and Striking[/b]. These are quite intuitive, especially for those who have been enjoying Remore since Early Access opened. For example, a sword slash would be classified as slashing, a thrust with a spear as piercing, and a blow from a mace as striking. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43792072/48e295c0d7ffcca455abae12a379187c94f8b75b.gif[/img] Simply assigning attributes to weapon skills wouldn't be enough to establish an "affinity" system. So, we also gave each enemy [b]weaknesses and resistances[/b] to these attack attributes. Weaknesses correspond to the "bonuses" mentioned earlier. While it's not mandatory to attack an enemy's weakness to deal effective damage, doing so will result in greater damage. On the other hand, resistances represent "penalties." Unless you're in a constrained situation, you should avoid using attacks that an enemy is resistant to. This means that before attacking an enemy, you'll need to consider at least which character and which skill to use. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43792072/5b424965b26c3347b30046683c8dd6132cbee196.gif[/img] Along with this, equipping two sets of weapons before an expedition now carries greater significance. Each of the three characters can carry two weapon sets, totaling six different weapons. This means you'll need to consider the balance between slashing, piercing, and striking attributes. Additionally, just before attacking an enemy, you'll need to strategize by selecting the most appropriate weapon from those you've prepared. [h3]A More Intuitive UI[/h3] One of the primary concerns you might have with this new synergy system is likely, "So, do I have to check this every time before attacking?" The introduction of a new system inevitably means there's a learning curve associated with it. Of course, after you've gone through that learning process, you'll likely be able to recognize affinities and choose the appropriate attack almost instinctively, without having to check every time. However, we can't ignore the fact that the learning process can be challenging, and there's always the risk of making mistakes along the way. To address this, we’ve introduced a new UI feature that allows you to see how effective your attack will be against an enemy. This means you can visually check the outcome of your attack without needing to rely on complex calculations. Additionally, we've added indicators for the new combat mechanics, such as Ambushes and Surrounded. This will help you better understand the effectiveness of your attacks and, hopefully, enhance the excitement and enjoyment of taking down enemies. Let's have a look at the synergy UI. When attacking an enemy, the skill's attribute icon will glow in different colors to indicate its effectiveness: red if it's critical, white if it's neutral, and gray if it's less effective. These icons only appear at the moment of attack, so they won’t interfere with the overall aesthetic while still allowing you to intuitively grasp the effectiveness of your attack. As a result, you won’t need to double-check your skill attributes and the enemy's resistances with every attack. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43792072/ea66d55e763d03fa54018219451054a970937929.gif[/img] Next, the attack methods. For regular attacks, which will be used in most situations, we use the arrow icon. For Ambush attacks, an eye-shaped icon is used, and for Surrounded attacks, an inward-pointing icon is displayed. Additionally, the icon colors will change according to the attribute effectiveness, as discussed earlier. You can see the potential damage when you execute a more effective attack with a critical attribute! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43792072/aff241aa03f5ea5a293adb4dfb4e198162dbb32f.gif[/img] The synergy system and its new UI that we shared today is a fresh take on the battle system. It’s designed to get you thinking strategically during the battle phase of expeditions, rather than just during the setup phase. We’re always excited to add new strategy elements with every system we create, but we were also a bit worried that this one might feel too complicated for you, our Survivors. However, with the new UI, we think we’ve struck a good balance by combining it with the existing battle system, and we’re really looking forward to seeing what you think. We’ll be back soon with more updates on the big changes coming to Remore. Thanks for sticking with us, Survivors! REMORE