Demo version, difficulty levels, free camera rotation, better squaddie action UI, and more.


The video games you played as a kid, mashed together and remade into a tactical role-playing game.

Hello everyone! This is just a brief announcement to sum up the changes that I've made this past month. Several new features were added to the game: difficulty levels (including an easier difficulty level that allows saving), free camera rotation, making the hotels functional, and action confirmation (with a tooltip of how much time you will have after performing the action). There have also been more bugfixes, and there's now a free demo so people who are interested can try out Enemy, with saves that carry over to the full game. [b]v1.05 6/2/2015[/b] Enable free rotation of camera in addition to viewing from the four cardinal angles. Hold 'Alt' and move the mouse to free-rotate. Action confirmation: when you first click to perform an action, the selection box and path-to-target will turn white and a tooltip will appear with the action name and the amount of time your character will have after performing the action (and endurance/morale if applicable). Click again to act, or do anything else to cancel. This is intended to help with misclicks and reduce the amount of mental arithmetic the game requires. You can go back to one-click movement in the options menu if you prefer that style. Players can now select a difficulty level on starting the game. [code]Normal: you can now heal and save a restore point at hotels (for a price). In the event of a game-over, you will revert back to the latest restore point. Additionally, more medkits will spawn and player characters have more morale, but achievements are disabled. Hard: you can now heal all party members at hotels (for a price), but only once. There are fewer medkits and less morale than in normal mode, and since there are no restore points, death is permanent. Achievements are enabled. This is the default difficulty and is close to the pre-1.05 difficulty level. Very Hard: hotels have no vacancy and cannot be used at all, later areas have 150% more enemies.[/code] Make the missile launcher and plasma grenade slightly less accurate. Fix crash caused by destroyed blocks sometimes remaining in fallen trees and guard towers. Fix potential crash where it was possible to pickup deactivated objects in rare cases. Fix bug where all shopkeepers were named Morgan. Fix bug where, when equipping things from inventory, you only pay the inventory access time and not the equip time. Fix bug where Explosteves would always fall straight down if you interrupted them in midair. Now, they only do so if you hit them on the interrupt. Fix bug where pathing to an object to pick it up gets shorter each time you toggle shift. [b]v1.04 4/22/2015[/b] Once you have cleared a zone, all items on the ground and on bodies will appear in the ground menu, regardless of distance. Add a button to the character sheet to dismiss the character from the squad. They will wait for you wherever you left them. Fix: flashbang accuracy was be reported as much lower than it actually is. Fix: ambush enemies (including bosses) wouldn't come after you if you hit them from out of sight. Fix: continue button doesn't respond to input on the game over screen. Enable enter and escape on the game over screen in addition to mouse presses. Fix: characters who had done jump damage would get warped back into the zone each time they tried to walk out. Fix: inventory menu will overlap with equipment menu, making some items inaccessible, at resolutions with width less than 1280 Fix: visibility of environment was not always updated correctly when characters walked around Fix: screen seems to darken in the editor when you switch from edit mode to game mode