Demo Update v0.4.04

Elite Exorcist Miko

A bullet hell shoot 'em up featuring hololive’s Sakura Miko! hololive has been possessed by evil spirits! Combine melee and ranged combat with a variety of items to fight your friends and set them free!

[list] [*]Increased base Combo duration to 4 seconds [*][b]Shrine Maiden Style[/b]: Increased Light Attack damage and slightly decreased Heavy Attack damage [*][b]Elite Style[/b] [list][*]Increased Gohei Attack speed [*]Reduced Energy consumption for Dash and Heavy Attack [*]Reduced Energy regeneration disable duration from Dash and Gohei Attacks [/list][*][b]Simple Sealing[/b]: Now grants 2 Sakura Seals from regular enemies [list][*][i]NOTE: This introduced a bug where 1 more Seal is granted from Bosses than intended. This will be fixed in a future update.[/i] [/list][*][b]Cherry Bomb + Impurity Ward + Flowering Himorogi[/b]: Now displays Sakura Seal count when used while none are in Inventory [*][b]AsaMio[/b]: Effect increased to medium heal [*][b]Tarot Cards[/b]: Description now lists possible buffs [*]Changed layouts for Help and Settings menus [*]Updated some Help entries with more information [*]Some UI navigation fixes [*]Some internal optimization changes; may have unintended effects [/list]