Demo Patch Released!

Heritage - A Dragon's Tale

Conquer 17 challenging levels in this 2D platformer adventure game, using a combination of spells, your sword, and other skills and abilities. Explore the overworld between levels, defeat demons, find secrets, and gain experience to make yourself stronger for the challenges ahead.

The demo for Heritage - A Dragon's Tale has been updated! Here is a summary of updates: [olist] [*] Coyote jump feature added (players now have an 8-frame window to jump without spending their double-jump, after walking off a ledge). [*] Increased stat increase cap for STR, HP, and MP 2 more levels (e.g. you can now level-up your sword strength) to level 5 instead of just level 3). [*] Slightly increased cooldown between some of the boss's attacks. [*] Fixed a bug with the screen that shows gold and EXP lost after deaths getting stuck on the screen if the player pressed ESC on the keyboard, while gameplay could continue in the background. [*] Added missing translated text for the little "Get Ready" message that appears before a level starts. [*] Added pdf documents that show the controls. This was mainly added for my friends and family that don't use Steam very often, but could still be useful for getting all players started if they have questions about controls. [/olist] To get the update, you may need to restart Steam. Once the download of the update and install are complete, confirm your version with either the titlebar of the game window, or the version number in the bottom-left corner of the titlescreen: [img][/img] I believe that's it for now. Let me know either by email or the community if you run into any problems! Happy gaming!