Demo Feedback Request


Cyclopean is an old school CRPG based on the Great Abyss of H.P. Lovecraft's Dreamlands.

The latest version (0.7.3) of the demo is up for Next Fest! This is what I am calling an "Early Access" Demo, in that it is not quite a finished game yet. There are some known issues with the gameplay, one of which would be good to get feedback on from players. 1. Dungeon Reset The dungeons should be persistent when playing the game over multiple sessions. However, I have noticed that they can occasionally get "reset" causing the dungeon to lose any saved data. I have a working theory of why this is happening and I believe it has to do with loading a saved game after loading the autosave (slot 1). If anyone is able to successfully reproduce this issue, please let me know about it. That can help in tracking down the root cause. 2. Treasure maps There is a problem with treasure maps spawning with the same coordinates. I am working on a fix right now, that should solve the problem in the next update. But know that you might get a redundant treasure map from time to time. The demo limits how many dungeons you can enter, and how many levels you can gain, but otherwise allows you to play and explore freely. Have fun!