Demo Updated to Version 0.7.2


Cyclopean is an old school CRPG based on the Great Abyss of H.P. Lovecraft's Dreamlands.

The latest version of the demo is up. This version *should* be play any previously saved games with no issues. It introduces several new gameplay features. [h3]Map[/h3] When in a dungeon, you can access a map of the location. It will reveal some information, and help to keep track of where you are. Pressing "M" or clicking the "Map" button will toggle the map. You can also see a smaller, mini map in the lower left corner when not viewing the full map (only in dungeons). There will be more map controls added to the menu, but for now, know that you can do the following: [list] [*] Zoom in and out of the map with the middle mouse scroll wheel. [*] Move around the map by using the regular movement keys (WASD by default - this will not move the character) [*] Change floors using the Turn keys (E & Q by default) [*] Toggling out of the map will recenter the map view on your character (planning to add a button for this too) [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44993933/1e6f0396dfe7b1569b4990af117593a77c97eea4.gif[/img] [h3]Treasure Maps[/h3] Three new related items have been added to the game. Treasure maps will appear in your "Books" inventory area and point to a buried or sunken treasure in the game's 2D overworld. Use the new longitude and latitude variables to find them. You will also need either a Shovel, or if you are in a boat, a Dredging Hook, to get to the treasure chests. Treasure chests, like other things in the overworld, are not permanent features. They will disappear when you leave them.