Demo build update to 1.2.3


Immerse yourself in the disturbing world of a first-person, Dungeon Crawler, Golel. Tackle an RPG campaign or dive into a rogue-like challenge mode. Leverage the environment to your advantage, drop a bookshelf on an enemy, or kick them into a pit. Golel brings innovation to turn-based combat.

I have update the Demo to version 1.2.3 Some of the changes: [list] [*] Hit chances have changed a bit. making the Demo a little harder. [*] The logger should also make more sense now. An attack log looks like this now: Attacker Name: Total Attack(Attack Bonus + Random Roll of 1 to 100) Target AC. If the total attack is equal or bigger than Target AC, there is a Hit, otherwise a miss. [*] There should be a shorter stall when entering a new level(because it captures the screen for a save screenshot). [*] Saves now have map names next to the name selected for the player. [*] New rendering pipelne. [*] A few small bug fixes. [/list] I have switch the build rendering "pipeline" to a more advanced one provided by Unity. It should fix many light related artifacts that used to happen(like blinking lights), hopefully it didn't introduce new bugs. I am still working mostly on the Demo improvements, because the Demo will be featured soon in festival and it's important that it will be in the best shape. If you have any suggestions how to improve the way the game communicates what happens, improvements in UI, improvements in general, bugs you found, Please tell me in the discussions.