Demo and Playtest Version 0.559 - Inventory Dimensions

Heart of the Machine

You are the first sentient AI, born into a city filled with unsuspecting humans. Raise an army of robots and obliterate your foes, become a benevolent machine overlord, or explore countless other objectives and the many paths to accomplish them.

New daily build! This one is pretty sizeable. [h2]New in this build[/h2] [list] [*] The resources section of the inventory now includes some very helpful filters as well as a search. [*] The unit types section of the inventory now includes some filters, and then multiple tabular views which allow you to see which units are the best at various things. [*] Bulk androids have gotten some much-needed clarity updates to their buildings, and then also some fixes to the accuracy of how their stats are predicted in the inventory before they exist. [*] The way that events like the prismatic tungsten and the seed collection are placed on the map now gives you a lot more options, and should feel better. [*] TPS Reports are at long last fixed up so that when they are missing some precursors, others properly show the right values. [*] And then a bunch of other smaller improvements and fixes as well. [/list] I am overall winding down on my to-do list of things before getting back to content development, but a few things have been added in the last week, and I'm still a few days behind where I would prefer to be. [h2]The main things remaining:[/h2] [list] [*] A complete revision of the build menu, in general to be more tycoon-like and less citybuilder-like, for similar reasons that tycoon games diverge in general. Clarity and volume, basically. [*] A way for players to see a list of all jobs producing and consuming resources, to help diagnose shortfalls. [*] The turn-one UI tour, and other final bits of clarity and thematic bits for turn one. [*] A couple of new pieces of clarity related to when you first start constructing buildings. [*] A few fixes related to bulk android targeting. [/list] And that's pretty much it for my current list of "must happen before content" pieces of work. It's always possible something more could come up, but we'll see how it goes. Enjoy! Chris