Demo and Playest version 0.553: Fenceline

Heart of the Machine

You are the first sentient AI, born into a city filled with unsuspecting humans. Raise an army of robots and obliterate your foes, become a benevolent machine overlord, or explore countless other objectives and the many paths to accomplish them.

This is a very large one! For demo players, this is four builds in one: [h2]Networks[/h2] Here's a "before and after" that makes the changes fairly apparent at a glance: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42941949/28760c75ae6a4f6d9c27030fd77a538e3c3cc248.png[/img] To be clear, that's the same savegame, but just loaded in the old version on the left, and the new version on the right. Some of the key points: [list] [*]You can see some network info in the upper left corner now. Like electricity, etc. [*]The way that info is shown is a lot nicer in both locations. [*]The way the network is drawn on the map and streets view is no longer so overwhelming, and also gives you a bit more range. [*]You can now lay out network relays in series before they finish building, rather than having to wait for each one to be done. [*]A lot of more subtle elements with the networks are better in general, and you can read the full release notes if you're curious. [/list] [h2]Other Major Items[/h2] [list] [*]Predators and similar can now use hoodies properly. They still make terrible guards because if the enemy sees what they are, they are still too scary. But this still means you can use them on more operations around the city. [*]The "toast" popups in the lower right corner have had pretty much their full overhaul. Left-click now always does something more consistent, and right-click dismisses them. They also have better color variation to tell types of them apart now. [*]The machine handbook is now much more convenient to use regardless of how you open it, and takes over the screen a bit more rather than getting lost in clutter. It also now has a dropdown allowing you to filter to specific topics. [*]Minor new content! There's two new Procurement Efficiency upgrades -- one for better wind turbines, one for more microbuilders. Two highly-desired items. [*]NPC units, including your own bulk androids, now have better targeting for a number of cases. Your own units won't engage noncombatants by default, and also won't wander into military bases or aggro them. Wetwork teams from corporations also won't get distracted with military bases. [/list] [h2]Minor Handy Items[/h2] [list] [*]If you find the unit icons on the map or in the streets view too small, you can now adjust the size of those in the UI Scales tab of the settings. [*]The escape menu sidebar now has links to mantis and your local save folder on your hard drive. [*]There's a really long list of minor bugfixes and clarity improvements, but I'll spare you listing all those. [/list] [h2]Next Things[/h2] I had planned on going into the Lenses and StreetSense as my next thing, a few days ago, but wound up shifting the order of work. So that's now what I'm going to work on next. There are some reports that people are wanting related to quickly being able to see what is going on with certain resources, and that will probably be the next thing after that. Then there's the general ui tour on the first turn, and a few minor ui-flow things that are still outstanding. Then I should be good to go to finish chapter one. [h2]Testing Group Reminder[/h2] If you'd like to sign up to be a tester beyond the demo period, feel free to sign up here: Make sure that you list your discord username and are a part of Arcen's discord, since that's where coordination is through. Thank you again for all the support and feedback! Cheers, Chris