A 17-year-old girl named Pandora has opened a box containing evils that could destroy the world. Kome Village, her home, is invaded by creatures spawned from the darkness and the legendary Titans. During the invasion, Pandora must battle countless enemies and demons, including her own inner turmoil.
Hey there Llamas!
Welcome to our first bout of patch notes for our demo we released last week.
Below you'll find a list of bugs we've fixed and features we've updated.
[h1]Bug Fixes[/h1]
[*] Main objective widget now shows until it's done. Players were confused about what the mission actually was.
[*] Mount widget cue was missing from the pig when attempting to ride it.
[*] Bug particle effect killed on death. It seemed to be left in the world.
[*] Fishing rod orientation was rotated 180 degrees.
[*] Minimap border was being hidden. It now shows correctly.
[*] Icon changes on the actual game. They now show on the taskbar and desktop.
[*] Music and sfx are now controlled by volume controls in audio options menu
[*] Fixed issue of music not fading out when quitting back to the main menu
[h1]Demo Changes[/h1]
[*] Path will now redo every six seconds. It's on for 3. Also wave mobs will cause the path.
[*] Fire damage now happens on Pandora.
[*] Wave changes: Player no longer has to go through a large amount of mobs in each mission.
[*] Cerberus stats changed to have more health and give 200XP on defeating.
[*] Faster moving attacks and the player is no longer being held to stand still and attack.
[*] Changed the lock on ability to cycle through the closest three.
[*] Opening slideshow with story content added. This will give the player some information on what happened before Pandora opened the box.