DDS2 Devlog Recap vol. 4: Rep and money

Drug Dealer Simulator

Have you ever thought about expanding your own crime empire, without the legal and moral consequences? SIMULATE IT! Crawl into the dark alleys of the drug dealing business. Now with SIX big free updates introducing new mechanics, maps... and a sequel - DDS2 - is out NOW!

As we all know, reputation is always important. In real life, we will not advocate for overly caring about what others think of you but in DDS2, you certainly should! It’s gonna affect your biz a lot. So, let’s recap what we know about reputation, street cred and in-game money! The main difference between rep and street cred is that street cred is your general criminal reputation all over Isla Sombra. It unlocks access to some criminal shops and characters, gives additional gameplay options and changes the behavior of thugs and thug bosses towards you and the other member of your cartel. Keep in mind tho, when word spreads, it is not only heard by those that you'd like to. [b]Why exactly do you need Streed Cred?[/b] Mainly because high cred means safety. You’ll be known, trusted, and perhaps even feared, which increases your security and gives you access to stuff reserved for the big fishes. Shady traders have a lot of stuff that could make your life easier, including melee weapons, bombs and chemicals you’d otherwise have to steal or buy at high prices. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34426328/50f4f0bcc6d1b6fd045b82c69e8186c91d4fe313.png[/img] [b]How do you get Street Cred?[/b] When you do illegal things, word spreads around. Getting in fights, assassinations, bombings, robberies, doing jobs for people from the industry – all of it earns you street cred. It’s especially important in the Militia work camp that plays a big role in your business. [b]There are two things you need to remember tho.[/b] One: gaining Street Cred may harm your Reputation among the everyday folk. Everything comes at a price so you need to choose which you invest in. Two: being known gets you a lot of attention. Also of the unwanted variety. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34426328/0320924885788cacdab97b0ca72cf9a24496175c.png[/img] And now that we know street cred allows you to buy some illicit goods, let’s see what’s more we can buy. And how money works in general. In DDS2 the players will operate both small and big denominations. Our goal is to accumulate wealth. The game’s economy starts the moment we arrive on Isla Sombra and develops along with our gameplay. You start with selling weed to small buyers and will gradually progress to collecting money from your employers, big investments building up the relationship with the Island community and setting up huge laboratories to be able to answer the demand generated by the citizens. Because of the setting (an exotic early 2000s island with a dictatorship), and also to achieve an additional feeling of enormous numbers, we introduced a low-value local currency. It is common to earn hundreds of thousands. But there’s also the American dollar – a very coveted currency. Money stashes are a way to not carry around a lot of cash in your bag, and are kept secure by our NPC ally in the game. He keeps the money and helps us make various purchases that we can decide on remotely without having to directly bring the cash to the transaction – we pay by check. There’s more! Vaults can be found in the most luxurious apartments in larger towns and villas. They are your personal access for depositing and withdrawing money from your accumulated wealth. Inside you can also see a physical representation of your wealth shown in stacks of cash and gold bars. The whole wealth value and total net worth of the cartel (including real estate, cars and boats) also increases your status in the game and gives additional benefits. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34426328/75d87c9dc22823d48269314b47fe33f449712048.png[/img] Besides a large world, lots of clients and ways to make money, there’s also a lot more ways of spending them. From multiple clothing options and jewellery, bribes, and investments, to luxurious real estate and yachts. There are places where you will use your wealth check to pay for goods but there are still a lot of locations where you will need your cash with you. On Isla Sombra, you’ll find normal legal shops and gray market merchants. These merchants have access to many goods otherwise unavailable from legal sources but you’ll have to unlock the ability to buy from them. What’s more, you may add to your personal budget by theft and robbery but you need to prepare for the consequences of your actions. Ready to give it a try? ALSO, you can now find hidden DDS2 keys in special devlogs. How? And where? You will have to look around and find out for yourself. With love, Alyss <3 If you find one, redeem it on Steam as soon as possible, keeping in mind that the game will be playable for you after release.