This is a standalone story in Hellpoint universe, a dark and challenging action RPG set in the world where the line between science and occultism is blurred. The Thespian Feast tells the story of an investigator arriving at Irid Novo station 50 years after the Hellpoint events.
[h3]Hello, community![/h3]
Thanks for all of your feedback and bug reports, keep them flowing. We see that many of you appreciate the yesterday's improvements, which means we are on the right track.
[b]Another step, another patch is live. What has been changed:[/b]
- Fixed the bug causing heavy weapon doing only 50% of their intended damage (yes, two times more viable now, give it a try)
- Tweaked Ozy's attacks (boss fight is much better now as well)
- Raised the number of maximum available healing charges from 3 to 5
- Fixed an issue where taken attack would trigger controller vibration twice
- Fixed an issue where selecting a class with the mouse would give twice the items to the player
[url=]Join our Discord[/url]. Feel free to suggest what we should focus on in the upcoming updates. Thanks everyone for the support!