Cultist Simulator

Seize forbidden treasures. Summon alien gods. Feed on your disciples. Cultist Simulator is a game of apocalypse and yearning. Play as a seeker after unholy mysteries, in a 1920s-themed setting of hidden gods and secret histories.

ORACHE, aka 'saltbushes', is one of the less interesting-looking plants we've chosen as a version name. So the picture above is [i]atriplex hortensis[/i], aka 'red orache'. Here's the patch on the beta branch now. Shorter update than usual cos I have a beta update for [url=]BOOK OF HOURS[/url] to get out too! a quick gloss on Chelnoque's update notes below: - Sometimes Biedde's Blade was inflicting a normal wound instead of an unstanchable one. - Opening a verb window on low FPS caused it to disappear. [i]This fiendish little critter took Chel weeks if not months to track down and involved some proper detective work [/i] - The options window now scales correctly for various edge-case resolutions. [i]Thank Christ, we can import that into BOOK OF HOURS too[/i] - Fixed a false-positive log spam on inspecting the credits window. (codename VARLEY) - The status bar doubled the displayed number of exhausted Passions. - The volume of the SFX for entering and exiting the Mansus is halved. [i]I promised we would do this! Sorry it took a while[/i] - Disabled camera's motions on entering and exiting the Mansus. - The legacy selection screen won't suggest you to select from two Exiles anymore. [i]oh pf. EXILE is the best DLC[/i] - FEATURE: Multidrag now works properly at last. Select multiple cards while holding the SHIFT key and drag them as a group. [i]I detect a degree of sass, it was my code that didn't work properly, but he's right[/i] - MODDING: $plus and $minus now correctly parse values without \"\". [i]You can stop reading unless you're a modder[/i] - MODDING: $append and $prepend now correctly work on uninitialized lists. - MODDING: Recipe 'Xpans' property, which runs xtriggers on all cards on the table (as opposed to 'aspects', which applies them inside the current verb only). [i]This is something I added in BOOK OF HOURS to make the day cycle work properly, and you get to enjoy the benefit. ENJOY. benefit. [/i] - MODDING: Status bar elements can now be defined more flexibly. Consult with Aspirant legacy in JSONs for an example. A brief rundown of properties: - 'Ids' specifies elements that are tracked by this status bar entry. - 'Format' allows to specify any additional characters that accompay the value display. '({value})' meants the value is displayed in brackets, ''-{value}' means it's preceded by dash/minu, etc. Keep in mind that you can use TextMeshPro rich text tags, same as everywhere else in the texts. - 'Icon', naturally, defines an icon. If not defined, the first entry in 'Ids' is used instead. - 'Styles' allows to modify value's display at certain numbers. Currently, there are only possible two modes, that look like 'colour_red_0' and 'hide_0'. The first makes the display red when it equals 0, and the second hides it under the same conditions. Note that you can use any value instead of 0, and any colour instead of red - defined as a plain string colour name, or a hex code. A simple string definition is still possible too, of course. [i]This makes my eyes cross but it's cool and will find uses elsewhere![/i] yrs ever - AK