2023.12.s.4 "SARCODES"

Cultist Simulator

Seize forbidden treasures. Summon alien gods. Feed on your disciples. Cultist Simulator is a game of apocalypse and yearning. Play as a seeker after unholy mysteries, in a 1920s-themed setting of hidden gods and secret histories.

- Steam Deck support! A nice excuse to add a QoL/accessibility feature here and there. - Added 150% UI scale. - Added a Font Size setting. May lead to stranger looks on higher ends. - MODDING: 'Sort' property for Elements, a string, the format is 'group.order' - ex. 'a1.z1'. Controls the order of Aspects appearance in card and situation info. Aspects are first sorted by 'group', then by 'order', then, within the same order, by the amount of aspect present, starting with the highest. - Several important Aspects are now sorted. This leaves us fixing such critical bugs such as: - A bug with keybinds showing default values until you loaded the tabletop at least once. - A bug when cancelling a key rebind resulted in keyboard controls not working anymore. - A bug when using ESC key in the main menu would not close an opened dialog. - A few typos in mod loading logs. - 2023.12.s.2: Mouse wheel functionality restored. - 2023.12.s.2: Fixed a bug with Options menu tabs not initializing. - 2023.12.s.2: Several small enhancements in a deck draw preview display. - 2023.12.s.3: A rare greedy slot crash is fixed. - 2023.12.s.3: A safenet against infinite saving loop on new game. - 2023.12.s.3: Contentment now *finally* acts correctly on influence upgrade and subversion. - 2023.12.s.4: Added more belts and braces against a very rare infinite saving chain. - MODDING: Following the arabic font support added in the previous patch, a possibility for right-to-left text display is added too. "rtl": true in culture JSON to enable.