Crown Wars: The Black Prince | Patchnote

Crown Wars: The Black Prince

The War of Crowns rages on. Knights and brigands run rampant throughout the land, sowing destruction. From your castle base, rise to become the lord who leads the battle against the forces of evil in this turn-based tactics and strategy game.

Greetings Knights of the Realm, Today is patchnote day for Crown Wars. You can read the full changelog here: [h3]Crashes[/h3] - Fixed a crash that would occur while validating the victory screen when the companions auto-switch feature was activated. - Fixed a crash that would occur when going back to the domain after a mission - Fixed a crash that would occur with a controller while targeting an enemy during a companion movement. - Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur when using the crossbow in the The Sack of Saint Martin mission. - Fixed a crash that could happen while overriding a save, using the forge and immediately going back to the map of France. - Fixed a bug that could happen when saving a new appearance for the Beastmaster that would make the beast invisible. Please note that the beast will still be invisible as of now. We are working on a fix to make them visible again. - Fixed a crash that would happen when trying to launch a mission with a Beastmaster that has an invisible beast from the bug above. - Fixed a soft-lock when the last enemy of the tutorial died at the same time as a companion. [h3]Domain[/h3] - Notification chips are now correctly removed on the Casern when a companion skill was chosen in the Squad Screen after a battle. - Unique weapons rewards are now correctly displayed in the battle pawn’s tooltip. - Squad pawns are now correctly disappearing when returning to the domain. This would previously need to stop skipping days. - Companions skills are now always properly assignable on the Squad Screen after a battle. This bug would happen when a cinematic was played right after the mission. - It is now impossible to train a weapon mastery already at max level. - Removed a brief appearance of the “Recruit” button that could occur when performing a training on a companion. - Added a customization color slot that was missing in the Fabric color of the Alchemist. [h3]Combat[/h3] - It should now be impossible for players to taunt their companions. - In Escort or Rescue Missions the target is now always classless instead of sometimes being considered a Duellist with an unusable weapon Set. - Removed a wrongfully walkable tile in the mission “An Intoxicating Outbreak”. - Removed some occurrences where the “Enemy Turn” UI could sometimes be visible during cinematics. - The damage from the skill Deft Hands are now properly displayed in the combat log. - The FX of enemy’s healing consumable is now properly displayed on the target instead of the user. - Prisoners’ effect that only affects a specific class now gives their bonus to every companion of the class. This previously worked only for the first companion of this class. This modification works for previously captured prisoners. - In the “Redemption” mission, IA now takes less time to act. - The “Enemy Turn” UI is now correctly displayed when an enemy uses an interactive object. - The number of health points recovered when using a healing ability is now correctly displayed above the target. - Damages done by afflictions are now properly displayed in the combat log. They were sometimes not showing if they killed the target. - The skills "Rampage" and "Invigorating" of the Double-Headed axe now have the right healing percentage displayed in their descriptions. - Fixed some cases where the targeting tooltips didn't appear correctly. - The "Rings of Death" now display it's skills description when hovered in the combat log. - The Order Emissaries now always have the Order colors instead of the color of another Faction - When loading a mission, destroyed half-covers should stay destroyed instead of reappearing and slowly going through the ground. - The exclamation mark above the head of the enemy that spotted a companion should now always be removed. - Fixed some instances where the movement range preview was inaccurate, resulting in some tiles being displayed as reachable when they were not. - Removed a wrong movement path displayed when targeting an enemy in diagonal below the companion. - Removed the possibility to hover an interactive object in the fog of war. [h3]Options[/h3] - Removed a default text that could be displayed on an overwritten save. - Improved the screen resolutions options.