Crown Wars | Patch Note 8

Crown Wars: The Black Prince

The War of Crowns rages on. Knights and brigands run rampant throughout the land, sowing destruction. From your castle base, rise to become the lord who leads the battle against the forces of evil in this turn-based tactics and strategy game.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42625934/ce23eaa8216f28ee33fdc5a1bfe9a0ddb7ec2133.png[/img] [h3][b]Crashes Fixed:[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Fixed a crash in secondary missions when selecting a ranged weapon skill just before a camera movement. [*] Fixed a crash when overwriting a domain save while on the map of France. [*] Fixed a crash when a Tainted Soul appeared in the mission "The Archpriest." [*] Fixed a crash when using the Halberd's "Mighty Thrust" skill on two enemies at the same time. [*] Fixed a blocker issue when navigating the companion's loadout in the Squad preparation screen. [*] Fixed a crash when moving a companion right after the Navarese's messenger dialogue during the mission "War Plans." [*] Fixed a crash when selecting the "Head Shot" skill at the beginning of a turn. [/list] [h3][b]Domain:[/b][/h3] [list] [*] In Squad preparation, a feedback indicator now shows the number of available slots for sending a companion. [*] A pop-up now appears on the Map of France when enemies become stronger. [*] A pop-up now informs players when they can send more squads into battle while passing time on the Map of France. [*] The squad pawn now correctly returns to the domain and no longer moves back onto the faction pawn. [*] It's now possible to scroll through battle objectives in the squad preparation screen when using a controller. [*] The input to scroll through the codex in the Lordhall is now always displayed when using a controller. [/list] [h3][b]Combat:[/b][/h3] [list] [*] The initial capture chance percentage for enemy units is now correctly displayed in the detailed action preview and no longer always shows 100%. [*] The roadblock in the mission "Kingdoms Equipment" no longer displays action and movement points when using the "Show details" feature. [*] Assets in the mission "War Plans" are no longer obscured when loading a save. [*] On Baron difficulty, enemy units now start missions with the correct amount of health. [*] The damage dealt by the Arcanist of the Order's "Bloody Embrace" skill is now displayed in the battle log and floating text. [*] Winning purge missions now grants the correct amount of experience. [*] Enemies' health bars are now correctly removed when killed by a Fatality. [*] Enemies will now correctly animate when using the "Barbed Shot" skill while crouched. [/list] [h3][b]Options:[/b][/h3] [list] [*] If the floating health bar option is unchecked, the health bar of the selected companion now disappears immediately. [*] If the floating health bar option is checked, the health bars now display immediately. [*] The controller binding menu now correctly shows bindings when using a PS5 controller on PC. [*] The button to change difficulty is now visible even in battle, with a message stating it can only be changed in the Domain. It's still not usable in battle, but this is now clearer. [/list]