Crackpots first major content update is live!

The Amazing Crackpots Club!

A spellslinging dueling game for up to 4 players. Choose among seven cracked mages and use their unique abilities to shoot down your opponent’s magical flask while defending yours! Destroy your friends (and loved ones) in local or online modes!

[h1]Crackpots' first content update is here![/h1] Finally, our first major update is live! A ton of new features and pieces of content have been introduced to the game, including a new Mirror Character, a new stage, and new Story Mode content. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44539871/a3683ff36c2324196690af5c29ee2348af7b85f1.png[/img] [h2]Introducing Betel G.[/h2][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44539871/592a77ce58b2fc7af841b55bab6f581f56ee8388.png[/img] [b]Mirror Characters[/b] are new additions to the roster who are based on a previous character, bringing a new personality into existing animations, and adding a new twist to their mechanics! Betel G. is a mirror of Rigel. While Rigel is a lightweight speedster who can adapt to most situations, Betel is more of a heavyweight who relies on precision to reach new heights if he plays his cards right! Here's a breakdown on his abilities: [b]Strike:[/b] Like Rigel's it can be aimed up or down. If he hits bullets with the very tip of his wand, bullets will gain a speed boost! But if he fails, bullets will lose speed instead, making them easier to hit for the opponent. [b]Shot:[/b] Basic 3-level charge shot. The final charge level spawns an extremely slow-moving star, making it easier for Betel to use his other abilities on it. If you strike as soon as you release the charged shot, the bullet will be in the perfect spot for an instant speed-boost!. [b]Special:[/b] This dash is far slower than Rigel's. However, when connecting with a bullet, rather than deflecting it immediately, it'll follow Betel until the end of his dash, where it'll be struck automatically. It's very useful to reposition bullets to the exact position you want them in! [b]Ultimate:[/b] A huge, powerful star bullet. Any other bullets that touch it will be absorbed, giving the star more power. The star moves very slowly at first, but the more bullets it absorbs, the faster it'll move once it's struck by a speed boost from Betel's Strike! Up to 3 Bullets can be absorbed. Before playing as Betel, you'll need to unlock him in a bonus Story mini-chapter. We hope you enjoy playing as him! [h3]Glacial Garden[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44539871/e9c5300c3a50137da918e3b6a5fe5c7d9b1868dd.png[/img] Moranna's stage: Glacial Garden is now selectable in multiplayer matches! This stage was already available in the story mode, but during testing, we felt that the hazards were not communicated effectively enough for a multiplayer game. We left it out of stage selection to give ourselves a bit of extra time to rework those visual elements, and the results paid off! Glacial Garden is better than ever before, so we finally made it available to all game modes! [h3]Story Mode[/h3] We've added 2 additional Story Mode chapters, featuring Moranna and Kiyumi. We won't go into too many details to avoid spoilers, but they're just as featured as the existing chapters, complete with fun shaenanigans, battles, and minigames. Betel G's mini chapter was also added to chapter selection. [h3]And more![/h3] That's everything we have in terms of content, but that's not all that's included in this update! We're also introducing some bugfixes, new features, and even character adjustments. Rigel, Mothilda, Mooscles and Moranna all received important changes to some of their abilities that will have a direct impact on character balance. As always, we're open to feedback, so please try them out and tell us what you think! We're also making some small adjustments to online lobbies in preparation for a relatively big upgrade, so stay tuned for that! [h1]Full changelist[/h1] [h2]New Content[/h2] [list] [*] New playable character: Betel G. [*] New Stage Theme: The Cooler Wizardboi. [*] Moranna's Story chapter is now available. [*] Kiyumi's Story chapter is now available. [*] Moranna's stage: Glacial Garden is now selectable on VS matches. [/list] [h2]Stages[/h2] [list] [*] Vigorous Venue: Many players had issues moving around this stage, making it hard to focus on the bullets, and more on figuring out the best way to even reach the highest levels of the stage. We've reworked the distribution of the platforms to make navigation smoother for all characters, as well as making sure that the trampoline in the bottom floor actually sends all characters to the same spot. [/list] [h2]Characters[/h2] [h3]Rigel[/h3] While Cosmic Flare has a lot of utility due to being an extremely strong bullet that can be cast instantly, it tended to become a bit inconsequential if the stun is just removed as soon as it's shot (which happens more often than not), leaving its effects as an ultimate often feeling underwhelming. We've added one feature that ensures that the bullet is always advantageous to Rigel. [list] [*] Whenever Cosmic Flare is deflected by an opponent, it'll now lose a bit of speed. If it's struck by the Rigel who originally cast it, it'll go back to full speed. [/list] [h3]Mothilda[/h3] We believe that Mothilda is in a solid position, but we're making a single adjustment to make her Ultimate feel a bit more consistent in terms of duration, ensuring that the chrysalis always survives for some time if its hit before its most weakened state. [list] [*] When Chrysalis blocks a bullet, its damage-over-time timer gets reset. [*] To compensate for this, Chrysalis now takes damage passively slightly faster than before. [/list] [h3]Mooscles[/h3] Mooscles has a lot of advantages, but we nevertheless feel like he falls behind the rest of the cast in a lot of ways. His ultimate, while strong, didn't give you enough time to truly feel like it makes an impact, so we're making his ultimate last longer, while also helping him spend less time shooting. In exchange, he won't be getting his Ultimate as often, but be aware that it's now become a very powerful tool to end a round with! [list] [*] Eat Your Veggies! duration increased from 7 seconds to 9. [*] Shots can now be charged faster during the duration of Eat Your Veggies. [*] Ultimate generation reduced by 25% [*] Ultimate generation is now disabled during Eat Your Veggies. [/list] [h3]Moranna[/h3] We also felt like Moranna needed a bit of extra love. Getting her Ultimate sooner should help her gain control of the battlefield much more easily, forcing her opponents to adapt. Her strike can now also completely cancel her special, which is a subtle change, but can open up more options in moments where you need to move and strike as quickly as possible. [list] [*] Ultimate generation increased by 20% [*] Moranna can now use her Strike while dashing with Flash Freeze. [/list] [h3]Online Lobbies[/h3] [list] [*] Spectators don't use up a player slot anymore. [*] The "Rules" shortcut while on lobbies has been replaced with a "Lobby Info" shortcut. Lobby info displays a full list of players in the lobby and their current status, as well as the current list of rules. You can now also open up this list during a match. [/list] [h3]Bugs Fixed[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed a bug that could cause the game to crash unexpectedly when ending a match early under certain circumstances. [*] Fixed a bug where the Shot Charge sound effect would sometimes continue to play after a charge is canceled. [*] Fixed an issue that prevented player names from being displayed in lobby messages. [*] Fixed an issue that displayed the wrong player numbers in the results screen if players were not in the default slot order. [*] Fixed an issue that prevented character sprites from loading correctly when choosing a random character [/list] [h3]Misc. Changes[/h3] [list] [*] Improved network player synchronization when standing on platforms. [*] The Giant Knight defeat animation will now only show up on the final round. (there's a chance it'll appear in a regular round that's roughly equivalent to throwing a 12-sided dice 10 times and getting the same result every time, we hope you understand.) [*] Optimizations were made to the text system, eliminating short freezes when certain menus were opened. [*] Updated Credits. [/list]