Cards and Castles 2

Collectible cards spring to life in this wacky Tactical CCG. Assemble a deck to challenge your friends and rivals, and engage in glorious CARD BATTLES! Will you choose fearsome dragons, or the deadly squirrels?

Our first expansion set is ready, featuring 41 new cards! 1 of these cards is available for FREE in the shop. The other 40 can be obtained through crafting or normal card packs. In addition, all 40 cards can be purchased directly in a special shop bundle. An exclusive collection of holiday Castles has also been added to the shop! This is a limited time offer, so pick them up soon! In addition, major revisions have been made to gameplay and card balance. Please see the complete notes on our community Discord! Also note that most changed cards can be refunded for full shard value for a short period of time following the patch. RANKING SYSTEM Players no longer lose stars in Bronze, but the number of stars per tier is increased to 5. This should result in players moving through Bronze more quickly than before. GAMEPLAY Trap Limit increased to 5. Traps now display as different colors to denote which faction they belong to. Druid traps now cost 3. Ninja traps now cost 3. Pirate traps now cost 1. Crusader traps now cost 1. CARDS Transcribe: Copied card now costs 3 (was 2). Troll Toll: Bridge Troll stats reduced to 4/3. (was 6/3). Storm Weapon: Now gives +2/+1 (was +2 attack). Cosmic Equation: Now costs 4, but sets HP to 1 (was 1 gold and set HP to 2). Smuggling Ring: Cost increased to 4, and Contraband count reduced to 3 (was 3 and 4). Resourceful Privateer: No longer requires no treasure, but Contraband count reduced to 2 (was 3). Stats reduced to 3/3. Snowy Owl: Stats reduced to 1/3 (was 2/3). Dwarf Paladin: Stats changed to 1/5 (was 2/4). Wizard: Changed to Warcry: Draw a spell. Stats changed to 3/1. Salahar Spitefish: Stats changed to 1/3 (was 2/3). Army of the Dead: Cost increased to 3 (was 2). Wolf: Stats reduced to 1/2 (was 1/4). Pack Hunting: Cost increased to 5 (was 4). Velociraptor: Stats reduced to 2/2 (was 3/2). Dinosaur Nest: Cost increased to 4 (was 3). Sea Witch: Stats reduced to 2/2 (was 2/3). Skeletal Squire: Cost increased to 4 (was 3). Stats changed to 1/3 (was 2/3). Sacrificial Knife: Cost increased to 4 (was 3). Imp: Changed to add a random Warlock spell to your hand. Priest: Stats changed to 1/4 (was 2/3). Corpse Explosion: Now only hits units. Cost reduced to 5 (was 6). Dwarven Blacksmith: Now only copies one random Item, but cost reduced to 2 (was 3 and copied all Items). Stats reduced to 1/4 (was 2/4). Developer’s Note: As we add more items to the game, blacksmith is continually creating new problem builds. It is very hard to create balanced cards when you have to plan around players having 8 copies of them in hand at once, and long term this isn’t the role we want Items to play (duplication and “hunting in packs” is a better fit for Beasts). We want to have a large variety of items with different abilities so they can be a fun random pool for the dwarves in future expansions, and this sort of mechanic is inhibiting our designs. Yaarhym Titan: HP reduced to 8. Resurrection: Cost limit of resurrected ally reduced to 3 (was 5). We believe this threshold shift will be easier to manage far into the future. Minotaur: When it slays an enemy, it now gains Berserk instead of drawing a card. Vaskrheim Warrior: Attack reduced to 3 (was 4). Spellsurge Adept: Attack reduced to 1 (was 2). Thief: Changed to give a 3-Cost Contraband instead of an Item. Faithful Drake: Changed to give a random healing spell instead of an Item. Stats reduced to 2/3 (was 3/3). Lifewell: Buff for drawn units increased to +2/+2 (was +2 health). Cannoneer: Changed to cost 2 less if you are holding Contraband. Owlbear: Bonus reduced to +2/+2 (was +3/+3). Stats increased to 4/5 (was 4/4). Screams of the Fallen: Now deals 10 damage plus 1 per 2 friendly units that died. Cost reduced to 9. Note: The scaling on this card has been pretty ridiculous in long running games, it is far too reliable for ending a game outright and doesn't require much in the way of build-around to work. We want players to have to work harder to generate big Scream damage. The Kraken: Now costs 10, with 10/10 stats and Berserk, and deals 3 damage to pulled units. Note: We want the Kraken to be a lot more hype. The increased cost and power should make this card truly worth of spending an extra turn to summon it.