Copperfields - Steam Page Announcement Trailer is Live!


Explore Copperfields in a journey of hope and discovery. Navigate a breathtaking, post-apocalyptic world as a unique protagonist on a quest for survival, discovering remnants of a lost city. Master twin-stick mechanics, solve puzzles, and uncover secrets in search of the rarest resource: water

[b]Just launched the Steam Page and a new trailer for Copperfields![/b] It's our first Indie game project and the theme is a post apocalyptic precision puzzle platformer where you are a plant that takes control of a robot and uses it to search for water! The game will evolve tremendously but we hope that you enjoy the first look at our trailer and that you wishlist and support us if you're a fan of the genre and follow our progress! [previewyoutube=HPv-DIkIrmM;leftthumb][/previewyoutube]