Engage in a core roleplaying experience, and forge the destiny of a new world seeping with magic, and filled with riches, lost secrets, and fantastic creatures. With diplomacy, deception and force, become part of a living, evolving world - influence its course and shape your story.
Hello Renaigse,
Thank you everyone for helping us pinpoint bugs and issues in the past few weeks. Our team is still working on a new patch aiming to fix them. As we want to provide you with the best patch possible, we chose to first open it to volunteers who would like to test it.
If you choose to try out the Beta patch, please get in touch with us and share your views on this new update.
⚠ If you want to try out this patch, we [b]HIGHLY recommend[/b] creating a backup of your local saves in Documents/GreedFall.
⚠ Once you’ve tried it out, please remember that [b]saves created in this new branch can’t load [/b]anymore once you have gone back to the main branch. [b]This also goes for your user settings as they will be reset [/b]once you go back to the main branch.
[b]To get access [/b]to the new beta branch, you can head to your library and right-click on [b]GreedFall -> Properties -> Beta -> Choose the branch “next_patch”.[/b]
You can already get a first glimpse at our changelog by checking out [url=https://forums.focus-home.com/topic/42326/greedfall-a-new-patch-is-coming-soon]this post[/url] we published earlier this week. Once the patch is out, we will publish a detailed changelog.
Thank you again! We can’t wait to see you on Teer Fradee!