Power Fantasy

Survive hordes of blood hungry enemies and hope for the best upgrades while you level up! Power Fantasy is a fresh rogue-surviors-like with unique heroes and tons of customization.

0.21 comes with QoL and performance improvements, balancing, tweaks and more content. I enhanced the new player experience by improving the starter hero Aric and improved the fire and physical type mechanics so they are more fun. All the heroes move faster now. You can now see a list of all perks and item affixes available to better plan your builds. The new DLC hero supports the development and future of the game - Thank you for all the support. [h2]FEATURES[/h2] [list][*]We now have a collection, accessible from the main menu: See a neat overview of perks and items affixes before your run! [*]Major performance improvements [*]Polished level selection: The level selection now provides additional information about the selected level. It is now possible to progress difficulties on other maps than Dark Abyss! [*]The pause screen now shows the level name and difficulty. [*]New perk: Gold Rush (+20% attack speed and +20% movement speed when you have over 200 gold) [*]New perk: Focused Force (+50% projectile damage, -10% area of effect) [*]New perk: Brawlers Fury (+15% area of effect, +5% crit chance) [*]Visual aoe indicator for all the auras[/list] [img][/img] [img][/img] [h2]NEW ACHIEVEMENTS[/h2] [list][*] Overwhelmed: Die by the Hell-o-Meter reaching its maximum. [*] Hell Rider: Reach Hell-level 50. [*] Lost Opportunity (Die with at least 10 remaining rerolls) [*] Kaze Survivor: Survive with Kaze (Normal difficulty) [*] Kaze Surviror (Nightmare 5): Survive with Kaze (Nightmare 5 difficulty) [*] Spoilsport: (DLC) In Krampus Night, destroy an evil snowman during the challenge Snowball Fight.[/list] [h2]HELL REVAMP[/h2] [list][*]When you enter the portal, you start a second layer of progression: Hell-levels! A second level will appear, starting from 1. Loot hellish xp to get hellish perks. There are 8 stackable hell perks now! [*]The darkness radius will now change once the Hell-o-Meter is over 50% [*]New and more enemies! [*]Added a short explanation to the Hell-o-Meter when you enter Hell[/list] [h2]PHYSICAL TYPE REWORK[/h2] [list][*]Completely removed the knockback mechanic [*]The physical type now has a 50% chance to deal splash damage on default [*]Splash damage deals 50% of your projectile damage to close enemies when a projectile hits an enemy. The area scales with aoe modifiers and has a visual effect [*]Splash damage only works with a projectiles first impact and pierce [*] Adjusted perks: [*] [b]Intimidating[/b]: +5% chance to deal splash damage on hit. +20% projectile damage. [*] [b]Repulsion[/b]: +5% chance to deal splash damage on hit. Splash damage deals 10% more damage. [*] [b]Strong Opinion[/b]: +5% chance to deal splash damage on hit. +20% crit multiplier [*] [b]Ice Force[/b]: Splash damage has a 50% chance to freeze enemies. [*] [b]Hexblade Strike[/b]: Dealing splash damage to a cursed enemy removes 2% of his current life.[/list] [h2]HERO CHANGES[/h2] [b]Aric[/b] [list][*] Damage increased from 15-20 to 15-30 [*] Crit chance increased from 20% to 25% [*] Increased the base attack speed [*] New traits: [*] 1% chance to heal 1 hp when you slay an enemy. [*] Perform a battle cry when you take damage, damaging and knocking back nearby enemies.[/list] [b]Daria[/b] [list][*]Daria now has a new attack pattern [*] Increased the base damage from 3-9 to 12-22 [*] Reduced the base projectile range from 12 to 5 [*] Reduced the base projectile speed from 10 to 8 [*] Polished traits: [*]+4 frontal projectiles. [*] Buff your companions damage by 300% while you attack. [*] Your projectiles deal 50% less damage while walking.[/list] [b]Misty[/b] [list][*] Increased the movement speed from 3.5 to 4 [*] Reduced the base projectile range from 9 to 7[/list] [b]Santa[/b] [list][*] Increased the movement speed from 2.5 to 3.8[/list] [b]Gundel[/b] [list][*]The ground effect now lasts longer and causes less visual clutter[/list] [b]Kaito[/b] [list][*]Increased the base projectile range from 3 to 5 [*]Changes the base projectile spread from 30 to 50[/list] [b]Icicle[/b] [list][*] Reduced the base projectile range from 11 to 8[/list] [b]Zikk[/b] [list][*] Reduced the base projectile range from 6 to 4[/list] [b]Effy[/b] [list][*]New additional trait: Frost damage is being dealt when the freeze starts instead of when it expires.[/list] [h2]TWEAKS[/h2] [list][*]Challenge shrines now spawn like they did before - they spawn randomly on the map once their time has come. I adjusted the required unlocks for the challenges. [*]Added drop sounds to books & potions [*]Reduced the time between burns from 0.3s to 0.175s and made burn damage apply sooner so burn spread is working even if the enemy gets killed by projectile damage [*] (You will see much more burn and burn spread now. Non-fire heroes can utilize the Scroll of Fire better now.) [*]Drastically improved the attack pattern of the Phoenix companion (now shoots several projectiles towards the closest enemy from time to time, dealing a burn explosion on impact) [*]Increased the attack speed of the Cactus companion [*]Slightly reduced the drop rate of perks [*]Increased the overall number of archers [*]Changed the overall aesthetic of Krampus Night (darker and more "corrupted") [*]Krampus Night is now 10 minutes long and has a higher xp rate [*]Reduced the freeze duration for bosses and minibosses [*]Updated the description for Blades of Justice+ [*] [b]Alactrity[/b]: Reduced the attack speed from 25% to 15% [*] [b]Accelerator: [/b] Reduced the attack speed from 10% to 5% [*] [b]Bloodlust:[/b] Now gives 3% instead of 5% attack speed per levelup [*] Reduced the damage increase of chaining projectiles for the Arcane type from 25% to 10% [*] Increased the base burn spread chance for the Fire type from 20% to 30% [*] Bosses can now attack when they are frozen [*] Polished the visual appearance of the indicator arrow [*] [b]Bulls Eye suffix[/b]: Reduced the increased enemy projectile speed from 75% to 30% [*] Changed the required achievements for some of the core hero unlocks: [*] Zikk will get unlocked with Misty N1 [*] Kaito with Zikk N1 [*] Gundel with Kaito N2 [*] Effy with Gundel N2 [*] Daria with Effy N3[/list] [h2]FIXES[/h2] [list][*]Fixed a visual bug that affected the health bars in Hell [*]Fixed a bug that spawned the Mysterious Egg far away from the player location [*]Fixed a bug that crashed your game if you took Orbit after you lost one of your companions [*]Fixed a bug that let you purchase duplicate companions [*]Fixed a problem that caused the banish buttons to be invisible on some resolutions [*]Fixed a problem with the menu background on some resolutions [*]Fixed a bug that was caused when picking up a perk scroll while leveling up[/list]