I do hear mutterings from some of my similarly jaded contemporaries that, actually, Black Ops 2 doesn’t look as hateful as the last COD, Modern Warfare 3. Given I did find CODBLOPS 1′s singleplayer to be comfortably the least obnoxious of the post-COD4 games, I’m inclined to believe them, no matter how sure I am that this is a not a game I’ll ever care about. Good to hear that the PC version appears to be doing the work, though – devs Treyarch have revealed that they’ve update the engine to include DirectX11 support and extra shinies, as well as “more “quality vs performance” options than ever before”. The cost of this is no more Windows XP support, which will be bad news for the approximate 14% of Steam users who doggedly remain with Microsoft’s most deathless OS. Ditching XP support is not at all uncommon for new games these days, but – good or ill – I suppose it should be taken as a sign of the times when essentially the biggest game in the world decides that OS’s time has come and gone.