Closed Alpha 6 - 11/13/24 Patch


Become a god and wage war in SMITE 2, the Unreal Engine 5-powered sequel to the legendary third-person MOBA. Join our 24/7 Closed Alpha, where we are forging a challenging, team-based, mythological Battleground. Become a Founder today to jump into the action and be a part of the development.

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [h3]General[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed Gods from being able to Basic Attack during Aegis [*] Fixed gamepad focus issues on scoreboard and removed broken mute button [*] Fixed healing text displaying random numbers when healing at full health [*] Improved stability [*] (Added localization flavor text) [/list] [h3]Gods[/h3] [b]Chaac[/b] Torrent [list] [*] Fixed an issue with ability dealing damage to Towers [/list] [b]Khepri[/b] General [list] [*] Fixed "Distance Sun Moved" tracker not calculating distance correctly [/list] Abduct [list] [*] Fixed an issue where multiple Gods could be grabbed [/list] Scarab's Blessing [list] [*] Addressing an issue where target is stuck reviving [*] Addressing an issue where the target's camera becomes detached [*] Additional on glow FX not following him properly [/list] [b]Kukulkan[/b] Whirlwind [list] [*] Fixed Staff of Myrddin not working with this ability [/list]