Chapter 1 Rework on Beta Branch

Project Warlock II

Adrenaline-pumping gore retro funhouse that’s full of guns, magic, demons, vertical arenas, 3D visuals, 2D sprites, and heavy metal music. Inspired by FPS classics like Quake and Doom 64, Project Warlock II is the explosive boomer shooter sequel you were too shy to ask for.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723470/2a109b5e970006ce0381d734930f3e67d68ed7c6.png[/img] Hey everyone, Last week, 20 brave souls ventured into the depths of Project Warlock II Chapter 1 Reworked playtests, poured hours upon hours of their time into the gameplay, and shared their thoughts and ideas both over a Discord and in an extensive survey. [b]Today, as per our original plan - we’re making revamped Chapter 1 available for everyone who owns the game as a Beta branch, where you can play and feedback on the current version of the game. [/b] We’re planning for one week in this beta branch, and after that, it’s merging the build into the main branch - so that everyone has access to that. At the same time, [b]we will be running Open Playtest this coming Monday[/b], to make sure we receive as much feedback as possible to shape the game into what we feel Chapter 1 should represent. A quick recap of what’s changed:[list] [*] A fully revamped upgrades, perks, and skills system [*] Brand new weapons with new alt fire methods [*] Adjusted magical skills [*] Elemental runes for weapon enchantment [*] and much, much more[/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723470/26f68fff670a3778913a268201be3134eba203f1.png[/img] We’re still working on a number of features, and certain acquirable assets and their pricing (spells, gun upgrades, alt fire possibilities, rune quest requirements) - will be adjusted after hearing your feedback. We’re also looking at the availability of ammo and health packs, as well as general enemy placement and weapons distribution as well as balancing the game. At the same time -[b] at the end of the playtest on April 22nd we will be retiring current Chapter 2 to a separate branch[/b]. Wargression system will remain there as per some of the requests that we received and it will stay there for the time being. [b]Reworked Chapter 2 will return in the coming months, followed closely by Chapter 3[/b] that’s already deep in development. The reason for Chapter 2 retiring to another branch? Single reason only: a lot of the negative feedback revolves around Wargression and its implementation, so we’d much rather have everyone judge Project Warlock II in its current Chapter 1 shape based on the updated version, and not what appears to be an unwarlocky attempt at Chapter 2. [h3][b]IMPORTANT NOTICE:[/b][/h3] Outlined below method of switching to beta_branch will wipe your existing saves. We suggest backing them up, so you don’t lose the progress on the main branch. The save files are located in the following directory: C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Project Warlock 2. Ok, now we got that out of the way - please follow these steps for an access to the current Chapter 1 rework. To access the beta branch build please go to your Steam Library and follow these steps:[olist] [*] Right-Click Project Warlock II in your Steam Library [*] Choose “Preferences” [*] Go to the “Betas” tab [*] Select “beta_branch” from the scroll-down menu at the top of the window [*] Update Project Warlock II[/olist] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723470/d47308adec491bfc5926f2b4d3d841cbe51b2f41.png[/img] Also, please remember that when the Chapter 1 Reworked update hits the main branch, the main branch saves will be wiped. You will be able, however, to continue playing on save from beta_branch. You are welcome to share your feedback online - here on Steam forums or in our [url=]Discord[/url].