Change Logs 1.4


Experience the thrills of a fast-paced single and multiplayer Parkour game. Join the Rebellion and deride the security forces of an anti-leisure tyranny. Rise up to the many challenges of a futuristic Open World. Assemble your team, enhance your gear and perform incredible tricks and combos.

[img][/img] Here's the details of the latest update with the 1.4 version of Hover. [b]New[/b] [list] [*]Fixed some bumpers and boosters in Haven District.[/*] [/list] [b]Debug[/b] [list] [*]Tweaked the number of points to reach during the final boss to unlock medals.[/*] [*]Credits were corrected, some people were credited for the wrong things.[/*] [*]Pet animation in menus isn’t static anymore.[/*] [*]E-cops don’t teleport directly on the player in the orbital station anymore.[/*] [*]Added additional information about pets’ satisfaction.[/*] [*]Pets now properly give stat bonus.[/*] [*]Some posters didn’t link to the correct codex entry, this has now been fixed.[/*] [*]E-swap points now give the right type of chips even if you get a bad deal.[/*] [*]The Rabot now has its avatar displayed correctly during dialogs.[/*] [*]Hack Containers are now slightly more difficult to hack.[/*] [*]It’s now impossible to tag a mission objective multiple time.[/*] [*]Liff’s first grid slot is now unlocked at level 0, which allows players to finish the tutorial by taking the long way out.[/*] [*]Bringing all the pizzas to Picasso in the sewers now correctly unlocks the following Gamer Ninjas quest line.[/*] [/list]