Greetings Champions!
We are super excited to release patch 1.1 which includes the long awaited arrival of the Divine Defender, Joan of Arc! This new Champion brings her might to the streets in the fight against the Dominion, with new and powerful abilities to crush the enemy forces. Her kit ramps up with time in some very cool ways, and when fully upgraded in a run, Joan becomes a wrecking ball of divine power. Here is a breakdown of her heroic abilities:
Weapon attacks have a 25% chance to project a celestial lance, extending Joan of Arc's range. Weapon damage is increased by 50% [+25% per level].
Every 3rd auto attack fires a rapid sequence of strikes, hitting enemies for 50% Weapon DMG and has a 250% chance to MULTISHOT [+50% per level].
[b]EN GARDE[/b]
Perform a spin attack that knocks back enemies and deals 50% DMG, with a 50% chance to MULTICAST [+50% per level] generating a 3-second aura granting 15 armor for each cast.
On dash, deliver a triple strike dealing 150% Weapon DMG [+75% per level], with a chance to trigger on-hit effects.
On shift out, charge forward with a massive thrust dealing 150% Weapon DMG [+75% per level]. Gain +10 AGILITY for 3 seconds upon defeating an enemy.
On shift in, place a sigil for 3 seconds that impales enemies, dealing 100% Weapon DMG [+50% per level] and triggering on-hit effects.
[b]AUX ARMES[/b]
While in vehicle mode, energy lances out at enemies, dealing 100% Weapon DMG with a 250% MULTISHOT chance [+50% per level] and triggering on-hit effects.
The update also includes miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements to game stability across the board, which should continue to minimize crashes in the game. As always, thanks to our awesome community on Discord for reporting bugs and suggesting improvements, we couldn't do this without you!
We hope you enjoy this new update, and see you in game!
-The SRG Team