Cargo Crisis @ Robur Station


Starbase is a hybrid voxel/vertex-based space MMO with a fully destructible and infinitely expanding universe, with a focus on building and designing spaceships and stations, exploration, resource gathering, crafting, trading, and combat.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35137349/f82823ba5cdee4267fd8d3e6f7e6c1dab1704ebc.png[/img] Merchants from the Moon Merchant Company are expecting several cargo shipments to arrive this Saturday (February 18th) between 20:00-22:00 UTC to Robur Station! [b]Event Location:[/b] Around Robur Station - You can get to Robur quickly from Origin Stations, it is located towards Eos (the gas giant). - The Ship designer buildings have insurance transfer points with infinite range - Inventory at Robur is shared with Origins, so you can use all your Origin stacks and ships Note: When the cargo drops arrive, they will be announced at Robur and on the official Starbase Discord #galatic-news channel: