Nine Sols is a lore rich, hand-drawn 2D action-platformer featuring Sekiro-inspired deflection focused combat. Embark on a journey of eastern fantasy, explore the land once home to an ancient alien race, and follow a vengeful hero’s quest to slay the 9 Sols, formidable rulers of this forsaken realm.
[Add] Mouse cursor is now hidden during combat.
[Add] Default screen quality now determined by hardware specifications.
[Fix] Addressed issue where players would get stuck in the Lady Ethereal realm, preventing loading of subsequent platforms.
[Fix] In the abandoned mine, dying simultaneously with mini-boss would cause items to disappear (items can now be retrieved at the location in old saves).
[Fix] Corrected issue where ponds in the agricultural area could be glitched when fall in.
[Fix] Rectified error where EiGong's talisman would grab onto the protagonist and not release.
[Fix] Fixed problem where dying simultaneously with Ji would prevent achievements from triggering properly (achievements can now be collected at the location in old saves).
[Fix] Addressed error where the GouMang would permanently break and remain suspended in the air.