Bug Fixes galore

Practisim Designer

Practisim Designer is a sandbox for budding or expert stage designers to create innovative stage designs for the practical shooting sports like USPSA, IPSC, Steel Challenge, IDPA and others. Design stages, play them and export the written stage briefings to PDF.

[list] [*] Bug Fixes[list] [*] Canceling out from color picker changes text to white [*] Fixed issues with custom text colors [*] Fixed bug with color of ruler not persisting [*] Fixed custom text scale weirdness [*] Removed clashing with VR Drivers [*] Improved Cel Shading when the sky is in the background [*] Fixed coloring for wall with 3 ports [*] Changed Help description for Open Port to U [*] Most recent filename will be used as default when saving [*] Fixed Timer not registering correct split time [*] Fixed error when making faultline boxes[/list] [/list]