Brutal Orchestra: EXQUISTE CORPSE coming October 23rd and upcoming price changes

Brutal Orchestra

Brutal Orchestra is a Turn-Based Roguelike Strategy Game. You died, someone killed you. You are in Purgatory and you will never escape. Make a deal with the "demon" Bosch and set off into Purgatory finding ​all manner of demented friends and foes on your quest to get petty revenge.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41180538/1dcbbd68ab369fba307a5fe6bb86dbe0ac396657.png[/img] [b]October 23rd Brutal Orchestra is receiving the Exquisite Corpse, a massive free content update![/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41180538/f4678e3714697cde897d75a35e2e96f7858bbc78.png[/img] Containing: [list] [*] 25+ New Items ([url=]Including 18 items designed by Contest winners![/url]) [*] 10 New Achievements [*] 1 New Quest crossing over with [url=]Video Horror Society[/url]! [*] A complete rework of LongLiver enabling him to parasitically invade the bodies of enemies to inflict massive damage and symbiotically protect party members from the inside. [*] 4+ Other major party member buffs. [*] 10 gorgeous pieces of boss splash art to really make it clear when you have stepped into the ring. [*] 10 unique earth shattering boss roars to sell the terror of fighting these foes. [*] Steam trading cards, backgrounds, badges and more! [*] An overhauled party member unlock tracker to make it clearer what you have to do to unlock each. [*] Some super spooky ( and possibly scary) secrets. [*] And tons of reworks and rebalances! [/list] Foreign hands reach for the canvas... An [url=]Exquisite Corpse[/url] takes form. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41180538/bc3234997898f04bb3333076886f43dc465f2ebf.png[/img] [b]Updates to Brutal Orchestra's Pricing:[/b] Hello! This section will be considerably less formal/ominous as I want to be very transparent around why we are increasing Brutal Orchestra's price to 19.99 USD (prices will be adjusted to an equivalent in all other territories). This price change will not effect players who have already purchased Brutal Orchestra. Brutal Orchestra is the largest project Nico and I have ever worked on and we honestly couldn't be more proud of it. The sheer amount of learning and improvement we went through while developing it cannot be put into words, it's truly a project that transformed us as people. However being new developers who had never charged for our work before we severely undervalued our work/time. When it came time to price Brutal Orchestra, we were terrified. We were absolutely frozen solid by the fear of being accused of being greedy, not caring about players or being full of ourselves. When [url=]Hellbent Games[/url], our publisher suggested that we price the game at 19.99 USD we (extremely naively) argued that the game should instead be priced at 9.99 USD. This lead to us compromising to a price of 14.99 USD, which honestly was still too low. Brutal Orchestra is a project Nico and I love working on and we still have so much more we want to add but a price point of 14.99 has proven to be too low, both in how much it brings in the door and how much it limits the price range of the potential DLC we have been slowly cooking in the background. After seeing people fall in love with Brutal Orchestra and adding numerous small and large content updates, expanding the game beyond what we originally envisioned, we have finally built up the confidence to charge what Brutal Orchestra has honestly deserved since the beginning. This change will not be immediate as pricing changes take time to be processed by Steam, so you may still have a few days to grab the game before its price update if you really want to squeak in at the 14.99 USD price. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41180538/38eec985dd1d392a6f17357951a0f99fb26ac046.png[/img] We are extremely excited for what the future of Brutal Orchestra holds. [b]-Maceo + Nico[/b]