Brutal Orchestra 1.3.4 "Bienvenidos al Infierno"

Brutal Orchestra

Brutal Orchestra is a Turn-Based Roguelike Strategy Game. You died, someone killed you. You are in Purgatory and you will never escape. Make a deal with the "demon" Bosch and set off into Purgatory finding ​all manner of demented friends and foes on your quest to get petty revenge.

Bienvenidos! (Welcome Back!) Clown Meat, Talia's next game is still pretty deep in the oven but Brutal Orchestra hasn't been left in the dust! We've been hard at work on localizing Brutal Orchestra to Spanish (with other languages on the way). [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41180538/c02599ff2fae93dd2b3dd6f85d25144f22cc0233.png[/img] There have been some difficulties with translating to Non-English/Spanish languages so we want the help of YOU! If you are a native speaker of French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Japanese or Turkish and have an in-depth knowledge of Brutal Orchestra we want to talk with you to make sure that our translations are up to snuff before we release them to the world! Come to [url=]Brutal Orchestra's Discord[/url] and let's get discussing! Also if you have an existing fan-translation for a language we didn't mention above that you would want made official, get in touch with us [url=] on Discord![/url] Also please enjoy this gorgeous fanart by mungeater999 on [url=]Brutal Orchestra's Discord[/url] ːMungː [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41180538/fae6a4194f41d58dae21d88b2eadd049b65fedf8.png[/img] [b]So without further ado, the changelog:[/b] [b]Localization:[/b] [list] [*]Brutal Orchestra is now available in Spanish! [/list] [b]Enemy and Boss Balance:[/b] [list] [*] The Mother's Visage ability "Dependancy" now inflicts 3 Frail. (Orig: 2, Erroneously: 1) [*] Heaven will no longer use the ability "Come Home" on the first turn. [*] Items that prevent wrong pigment now work in the fight with Bronzo. [*] Spitfire Spoggle's are now considered to be fish. (Massive gameplay ramifications.) [/list] [b]Character Balance:[/b] [list] [*] Reworked Burnout's ability "Decimation". [*] Arnold's Passive Panic attack is no longer prevented by "Infernal Eye". [/list] [b]Item Balance:[/b] [list] [*] Bloating Coffers now shows current coins in combat. [*] Added Wallop and Premature Excretion to the item ability "Alchemical Abomination". [*] You can now remove items by dropping it on the character that has it. [/list] [b]Status and Passive Balance:[/b] [list] [*] The status effect "Scars" trigger on the status effect "Linked" again. [*] The passive effect "Construct" is limited to 5 now. [/list] [b]Misc Changes[/b] [list] [*]Brutal Orchestra saves more frequently. [*] Custom characters can now have up to 6 abilities render normally. [*] Improved cinematic text positioning to support future localization. [*] Increased the size of various UI elements to support other fonts. [*] Extended "Sword" (Brutal Orchestra's font) to include special characters. [*] Improved mass swapping to swap at least 1 enemy at all times. [*] Right clicking pigment now more easily adds them into the ability cost. [*] Item's and Passives show their icon on activation now. [*] Updated credits. [/list] [b]Bug Fixes:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed Music Man transformation + Confusion + Conductor double transformation combo bug. [*] The Passive Effect "Two-Faced" no longer triggers on death. [*] The Skinning Homunculus' ability "Inhuman Roar" now properly inflicts "Frail" to self. [*] Changed "El Dorado" icon to the correct icon. [*] Fixed a bug with the audio when skipping a cinematic too fast. [*] Fixed "Clive's" pressure point pigment cost being aesthetically the wrong way around. [*] Fixed "Overexert" unintended interaction with damage on combat start. [*] Fixed "Someone Else's Face" improperly interacting with "Divine Protection". [*] Fixed a bug where items destroyed on death didn't properly update the UI. [*] Fixed a typo in the tutorial for the field effect "Shield". [*] Fixed a typo in the Dollmaster's Dialogue. [*] Fixed a typo on the "Overflow" Keyword in the Glossary. [*] Fixed a typo on the item "Opulent Egg's" description. [/list] Oh hey, you're still here. Ah well I'll give you a little teaser of a non-videogame Brutal Orchestra project that is on the way as a treat. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41180538/5ef09e3db6cd6964d11bad76cfa9cd6fa02a4ab9.png[/img] What could it be? ːFlarbː