"Blood of Steel" Version Update Announcement – December 12th

Blood of Steel

"Blood of Steel" is a fair competitive multiplayer online game. You will ride into a battlefield where thousands clash, employing unique four-directional slashing maneuvers and strategic formations to defeat your opponents, experiencing the charm of warfare in the age of cold weapons!

  To ensure the game's stability and enhance overall service quality and user experience, "Blood of Steel" will undergo maintenance on December 12th from 08:00 to 11:00 (UTC+8). During this period, the game world will be temporarily closed, and game matchmaking will be disabled around 07:45. Additionally, comprehensive maintenance and backup of the account database will be performed. Please notice that the maintenance time may change based on specific work conditions. We kindly ask all players to plan the game time accordingly. Update Details: 1、New Limited-Time Event: "Time Prayer" [list] [*] Players can participate in the "Time Prayer" event by navigating to Store-Skins and selecting the "Time Prayer" option. Awakening Credits are required for each draw. [*] This event features two exclusive skin pools: [Chaos Storm] series skin pool, and [100 Years in English and French] series skin pool. These reward pools will be available until December 31 at 23:59. [*] Each series guarantees one skin accessory item after every five draws. Players can obtain all rewards from a series with a maximum of 45 draws. All rewards are bounded. Progress in the two series' skin pools is calculated independently. [*] Players who complete a full series set will receive the corresponding avatar frame: [Chaos Storm] Avatar Frame and [100 Years in English and French] Avatar Frame. Avatar frames will be delivered via in-game mail. Players who had already completed the full series set before this update will have the corresponding avatar frame automatically activated after the update. The frames can be viewed and equipped in Profile-Avatar Frame. [*] Below chart is the preview of Event's Rewards: [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36188276/d86f857f53bd31c19c94056306becead2f146199.png[/img] 2、Adjustments to Boxes and Store Content [list] [*] To align with the "Time Prayer" event, the following skin boxes have been removed: Zhang Bao - Celestial Tiger Chest, Napoleon - Dark Valley in Galaxy Chest, Victoria - La la Chest; Related skins from "Time Prayer " have been removed from: “Path of Awakening–Point Awakening” boxes, Bright chests, Skin Shards Store. [*] New Content in " Path of Awakening–Point Awakening": The " Self-Selected Skin Chest" now includes the Zhao Yun Hero Skin: Soaring Sky. [*] The Bright chest now includes Napoleon's skins: Sky's Dominator (Hero Skin), Crushing Through the Sun (Main Weapon), Cutting Through the Sun (Secondary Weapon), Anger of Fire (Cannon). [*] New Skins in the Store - Exchange Shop – Skins, Hero Skins: Shiny Beauty (Liang Hongyu), Loyal General to King (Huang Zhong); Main Weapons: Blossom Fall (Liang Hongyu), Moon Half Covered by Cloud (Huang Zhong); Secondary Weapons: Grass Tread (Liang Hongyu), Blood Thirsting (Huang Zhong); Mount: Loyal War Horse (Huang Zhong). [*] Removed Items from Mengchang Chest: Permanent Raksha Women (Bu Lianshi), 1-Day Trial Card for Raksha Women (Bu Lianshi) [/list] 3、The "New Map Preview" entrance has been closed. The new map "Zeelandia" will now appear through standard random matchmaking in Siege Battle mode. 4、Optimization of the [Heavenly Goddess] Blind Box, adjusted the Agrippina Mount: [Chasing the Shadow of the Past] to fix an issue with overly white hair. 5、Fixed an issue where capture speeds at four points were excessively fast in "Zeelandia". 6、Fixed Mrs. Zhu Rong’s hound model that missing parts on the backs in the Cranberry Ladies and Mint Ladies.