Blender 4.0 Released!


Blender is the free and open source 3D creation suite. Free to use for everyone, for any purpose.

Blender Foundation and the online developers community are proud to present Blender 4.0! [h1]Whats New[/h1] Blender 4.0 is the first step towards a new iteration of Blender, and delivers a number of new feature and workflow improvements across all areas. To highlight a few: - New Principled BSDF shader - AgX view transform for improved color handling - Light linking in Cycles - Node Tools, powered by Geometry Nodes - Repeat zones in Geometry Nodes - New Snap Base for improved placement and transform workflows - “Type to search” and various UI improvements, including a new default font - New animation curve editing operators - Bone collections - and so, so much more - The [url=]Human Base Meshes bundle[/url] got an update with new models and improved topology. Explore the [url=]release notes[/url] for an in-depth look at what’s new. [h1]Thank you![/h1] This work is made possible thanks to the outstanding contributions of the Blender community, and the support of the over 3500 individuals and 37 organizations contributing to the [url=]Blender Development Fund[/url]. Happy Blending! The Blender Team November 14th, 2023