Dreams Of Adventure

Dreams Of Adventure brings you in a world of medival fantasy where you chose how to play and impact the world around you. Will you help a person in need? Want them to pay you for help? Perhaps... you end their life and take the bellongings...? The choice is yours!

Hello everyone! I've got some new for you, and they are all great! First is non update related news: As some of you know, I have submitted the game to   Game Development World Championship 2022 and I got an e-mail from them few hours back.  The game is #10 in the competition! I want to thank all 3 of you who voted (just kidding), I really appreciate everyone who voted for my game and supported it, it means a lot to me. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41255079/c2c4381868b8fbd35a0b6f70da8a4e641d5f4884.png[/img] If you haven't done it yet, you can vote and perhaps share it to some friends or game related communities with this link: Now for the next update part: The game will have a currency update and finally overhaul of the placeholder prison system! Currency will be split to gold, silver and copper (highest to the lowest value) and all quests, events, weapons, items and armors have their values updated to correspond to the new system. This was something I was thinking of doing for some time now and finally decided to work on it. It looks better, it makes more sense realistically and gives a better sense of value of money. This shouldn't impact current game play, so you can paste save file in new folder if you use non-STEAM version, for STEAM version downloading the update should be only step to make it work. I do recommend starting a new game, so you can have a different experience. As for the Prison System overhaul, I was working on it for past 4-5 months, almost when I made the game available on STEAM, and it's almost done. When you steal items when people are around, you will be transferred to jail, where you will be given three options: 1) Pay Fine 2) Do Time 3) Join Reformation Program   (will go in depth when the update is live). There are a lot of other things that I will explain when the update goes live. For now, that's it, hopefully it will come out before my 32 birthday on 27th and would be my gift to myself :D  If you want to support the game development you can do it via PayPal or by buying DLC on STEAM and get some awesome music that you can use however you want! Cheers for now!