2.1.9 Tyst Woodland Fixes + others

Dreams Of Adventure

Dreams Of Adventure brings you in a world of medival fantasy where you chose how to play and impact the world around you. Will you help a person in need? Want them to pay you for help? Perhaps... you end their life and take the bellongings...? The choice is yours!

Fixed: ⦁ Removed selling ink from blacksmith in Woodpine ⦁ Added Tools to be sold at the blacksmith in Woodpine ⦁ Fixed blackjack table in Tyst Woodland camp pub so it won't trigger during the night ⦁ Fixed walking on crates in Tyst Woodland camp ⦁ Fixed guy buying wood in Tyst Woodland camp when you sell 10 at once, now he should properly give you 35g ⦁ Fixed a chicken stuck on a tree in Tyst Woodland camp ⦁ Fixed not being able to walk on chairs and stools in Tyst Woodland camp ⦁ Fixed quest "Leafs Up" in Tyst Woodland camp so it will show you it instead of "Werecow" ⦁ Removed 2 empty buy items from one merchant in Tyst Woodland camp Update: ⦁ Water now costs 1>3g ⦁ Updated speed of bandits in Hidden Gorge ⦁ Added merchant icons above merchants in Tyst Woodland ⦁ Updated Tyst Woodland Camp Mayor safe now you can lock pick it and get great rewards in it. It's super hard though ⦁ Updated one guy who is in Tyst Woodland camp tent to sell some herbs for alchemy