2.2.3 Brawler Arena crash and few other fixes

Dreams Of Adventure

Dreams Of Adventure brings you in a world of medival fantasy where you chose how to play and impact the world around you. Will you help a person in need? Want them to pay you for help? Perhaps... you end their life and take the bellongings...? The choice is yours!

Hey guys. I know I haven't updated the game in few months, but, I have personal reasons which keep me from working on the game. Right now I work from time to time on game durring my second job and I've been busy putting people, events and quests in Etrerburg City Kingdom and taking breaks and making new maps for the Empire. Anyhow, here are few notes on what changed: Fixed: ⦁ Fixed seagul sound when fast travel from Driftwood ⦁ Fixed crash when attacking Kuldan the Beheader Added: ⦁ Added back Processing and Carperting trainer to the game ⦁ Added new processing skills: Prospect Copper/Tin/Iron/Gold so for 10 ores you can try and get some gems for Jewellcrafting or to be sold Updated: ⦁ In Hidden Chambers added loop if you dont have lock picks so they respawn until you open the door. This is a failsafe so you don't get stuck there ⦁ Updated Light Backpack to 20 & Ligther Backpack to 50. Hope to hear from you guys more, the forum is queit :'( Also, if you enjoy the game or don't (like that could happen), I would appreciate that you leave a honest review or write it on forum so I can see what I need to change or fix. Thank you.